Chapter Ten: A Discussion

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Morning my lovelies!! Its a wonderful miserable, rainy day here in the UK. Have another update 💚

I hope you have a great day. And even if you just wake up and open your eyes, maybe even sit up in bed, I consider that an amazing achievement.


"... Jimin?"

A curious voice rose across the empty practice room as the contemporary dancer absentmindfully collected up his belongings. The singer froze, poised between picking up a half empty water bottle from the floor and rising to his feet.

He knew that voice...
Straightening up and taking a deep breath, Jimin slowly turned around to face the newcomer.
But he was hardly a stranger.

"Hyung." The young singer's voice trembled with nerves, "W-what are you doing here?"
The older individual frowned in confusion, letting out a laugh of disbelief, "Jimin... I work with Exo now? Surely it makes sense I'm here."
Of course... Jimin had known. That's why he'd left BigHit. But some guitly, childish part of him had hoped that, within the two years it had been since knowing Lee Ji-seok, he'd have moved on from supporting the Kpop community.

The younger's heart pounded as the lead stylist for Exo began to approach him across the hall, his eyes glinting with warm recognition. Jimin knew he needed to leave. Now. His mind raced frantically, anxious to figure out a way he could stealthily escape without causing too much damage, nor offend his long-term friend.

They'd left on a friendly note. He didn't hate Ji-Seok and Jimin was happy to keep it that way. The time spent knowing him had been incredibly eye opening. But even though his memories were not all negative, Jimin's heart pounded with fear.
He was stuck. Frozen. His body wouldn't move. A feeling of nausea rose in his stomach as the space between himself and the older figure rapidly reduced.

"How have you been?" The contemporary dancer barely heard Ji-seok's words emit from his lips over the roaring rush of nerves. It was not because he hated the man. Ji-Seok was a funny, friendly guy who usually couldn't hurt a fly. But it was... It was Jungkook... He couldn't- Jimin suddenly took a large inhalation of breath as a gentle hand reached up to swipe a stary strand of hair off of his face. He stepped back instinctvely, stumbling and wincing as his back heavily hit the studio wall. He dropped his water bottle, letting it crash to the floor and roll pathetically across the studio. It hit the mirror on the opposite side of them and jolted to a sudden stop.

Wide eyes gazed back towards Ji-seok, a heart racing far too fast for Jimin to even latch onto any sort of noticeable rhythm. He couldn't let Jungkook see.

"You-you need to leave Ji-seok-shii... I-we-its been too long. And we... agreed..."
The stylist smiled, not hesitating to take another step forward, reaching up and gently tracing Jimin's shoulder as the young singer shook with nervous concern, "Exactly Jimin..." Placing one hand against the wall above the dancer, sly lips leant down to brush gently against Jimin's flushed ear. He muttered in a low voice, "We should catch up-"

Both singer and stylist jumped instantenously as the door to the studio suddenly slammed loudly, its echo ringing painful judgement across the large space as Jimin caught the glimpse of a light cream hoodie darting out of sight.
"Fuck!" he yelled, shoving Ji-seok away and gathering up his things, "Fuck you!"
"Jimin just breathe!" At once an expression of honest concern flushed across the older's face as he moved to grasp the shoulders of the young singer in comfort. "It'll be alright," he muttered assuming Jimin was simply panicking at being caught with another man, "We can explain this away... Just like other times, remember? Do you know who that was?"

"Yes!" The youngster tore himself out of the stylist's grip and hastily shoved the remaining items if his into his bag. "My boyfriend!" He screeched, the feeling of panic so intense across his body that he scarcely had time to consider the consequences of such an admittance. Barely registering Ji-seok's stunned expression, Jimin flung himself out of the room after their maknae.

"Jungkook-ah!" Jimin's mind raced as he pelted through the corridors backstage, hurtling across the space in a blind panic, unable to even register the concerned yet confused gazes of the remaininh staff within the concert building... Nor Seokjin who had witnessed both the rapid escape of Jungkook and now... Jimin.
The older flattened himself against the wall as the young singer hurtled past, his eyes wide as he took in Jimin's panicked expression.
"Oh shit." The eldest simply breathed out.

Spilling out onto the street, he realised the car they had shared on route was moments from pulling off the kerb, "Jungkook-ah!" He yelled, throwing himself towards the car.
But the door remained locked. Jimin could see the conflicted driver, his face a picture of anxiousness as the maknae within demanded he drove off instantly and yet, his job dictated Jimin travelled with them.

"Open the door, please!" he begged, small tears beginning to pool across his cheeks, "Jungkook please let me explain-!" He almost fell onto the seat as the door clicked and slid open, the driver clearly much more concerned about dealing with their manager, than the maknae. "Thank you! Thank you!" he bowed profusely to the driver, scrambling in and instantly turning towards their youngster.
"Jimin what-"
"-No let me explain... Just-when we get to the dorm... Let me explain... Please."

And Jungkook loved the adorable contemporary dancer far too much to deny him that chance.


"Who was he?" Jungkook was unable to hold in his shrill tone the moment his foot had passed over the threshold of the dorm door.
"He-he-" Jimins words faltered and he realised, perhaps now in this moment, the truth wasn't the best idea.

They had a crucial performance soon. Neither he nor Jungkook could afford to be in conflict... And he barely wanted to subject the other group members to that either. Not after last time.
"I don't know." The lie passed cleanly through Jimin's teeth, "He just started talking to me in the studio and before I knew it, he'd come onto me."
"Is he with Exo staff?"
"I think so-"
"-Then we need to call manag-"

"-Wait! Jungkook just wait-!" The older's heart pounded uncontrollably as he racked his brains for an excuse to his outcry. His hand grasped Jungkook's wrist tightly, for fear the maknae would storm up to Namjoon and demand something be done.
The maknae glanced down at the tight grip, and back towards Jimin's desperate expression. He frowned. "Jimin he tried to make a move on you!"
"Is that a crime? He couldn't have known we were together and I had spoken to him a bit to be polite. Leave it Jungkookie...we don't know if their management will be as lenient as ours if we out him."

"And you promise he was a stranger?"

Jimin watched in anxious concern as the younger singer stopped his pursuit of finding Namjoon and scowled, his brain working through the meaning of the insistent words he'd been subjected to. For a moment, the older was certain Jungkook would shake his head firmly, turn on his heel and continue his determined decision of telling Namjoon. But then, slowly, the maknae nodded.

"I guess... I guess that makes sense. I-I wouldn't want to ruin someone's career like that... Not when mine is in a similar position." Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. He knew the truth would have to be told at some point, but he felt... He didnt know how Jungkook would take it and such an idea scared the crap out of him.

But the contemporary dancer should have known his luck would not hold.

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