Chapter Fifteen: Paranoia

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Both the leader of BTS and the contemporary dancer faltered in their childish squabble, turning to the emotionless face of their maknae. He stood at the threshold of his bedroom door, clutching Jimin's phone tightly in a shaking fist.
"What-?" The older singer could barely force the question out of his lips.


A pair of angered eyes latched themselves onto Jimin's wide expression of fear as the one name he'd spent years covering up from his band mates, suddenly spilled from Jungkook's lips. Sensing this was not an argument he would have control nor superiority over, Namjoon smiled awkwardly and swiftly raced back into the kitchen.

"... What...?" Jimin whispered again.
"Don't act like you don't know that name Jimin." The older didn't think he'd ever seen Jungkook sound, nor look so angry in his life. He waved Jimin's mobile towards the older, gripping its edges so tightly that the its owner seemed mildly concerned the screen would shatter from the force. "Your phone lit up a few minutes ago from where it had dropped on the floor. Being nice, I picked it up and saw who messaged you."

Jimin's voice shook. No... He couldn't know now... Not after everything that had happened... "Jungkook... I-I do have other male friends-"
"-Nice to see you last week. Sorry if I caused trouble with you and your boyfriend?" The older's heart dropped. A lurching feeling crept into his stomach and suddenly, he found himself unable to breathe. He knew he'd been stupid to keep the truth from the maknae, and now, he was horrifically paying for his selfish decision. "Jimin what the fuck? You told me he was a stranger!"

Unaware of the situation, an innocent Taehyung appeared out of the bathroom, humming to himself as he glided towards them, caught up in his bubbly mood. Not acknowledging Tae was in close proximity, Jungkook screamed again.
"And you have his number?!"
At this screech, Tae froze, his eyes widening as he looked at where he stood between an angered Jungkook and a scared looking Jimin. Reaching up to nurse his injured ear from the shrill pitch, he slowly backed away.

Neither Jimin or Jungkook saw as Namjoon and Seokjin hauled the poor young singer into the kitchen by the back of his hoodie.

Stumbling from the force of being hauled out of the tense situation, Taehyung suddenly realised the rest of BTS had, on hearing Jungkook's demanding screams, trudged into the kitchen tiredly. Although such meetings were infrequent, Jikook's horrible fight earlier that year had proved that the pair's most extreme arguements could have the possibility of launching into such a physical fist fight again. So it had become habit to gather together in weary frustration as the first yelps of anger traversed through the house.

"Tae you don't check your messages, do you?" Hobi grumbled, waving his phone at him.
"I was in the shower!" Unlocking his phone, he glanced down at the numerous messages clogging up his screen.

-Tae come to kitchen asap. Code red.
-Tae respond now.
-Tae you deaf idiot.
-Little shit

"Please tell me we won't have this in Manila... Please..." Namjoon muttered, running his shaking hands through his hair, "Why did it have to be BTS that had the two dating idols?"
The others looked over at this comment in stunned shock.
"Namjoon thats so rude." Hobi whispered.
"Think about it though!" he spluttered, "What will happen if they break up?"

And at once a terrifying silence washed across the room as the horrific thought crossed each of their minds. And through that silence, they could do nothing more than hear their two young singers pitifully argue.

"Jungkook he's just a friend! I didn't know he'd do that-" Jimin stammered, still fearing the inevitable admittance of truth.
"-Just a friend? A friend?! Jimin you told me that you didn't know who he was."
It was too late to deny he'd lied to Jungkook. The best he now could do was soften the blow when the truth finally hit.  "Alright I lied! Okay? I lied because I knew you'd react like this!"

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