Chapter Two: A New Step... Again

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"Alright! That's a wrap!" A chorus of giddy applause resonated around the space as the shoot for BTS' new music video came to a close. Each one of them was buzzing with excitement. The thought of Blood Sweat And Tears being released in a month or so made them all fired up with nervous, yet happy, anticipation.
Would Army like it? Would the new concepts be taken well-?

Jungkook grinned giddily at the thought, looping his arm around Taehyung's as they skipped back through the set to the changing rooms. He hoped Army liked it. It had been fun to shoot. And-
His smile faltered as his eyes rested upon a certain other singer. Almost instantly, Tae, sensed the sudden rush of tension surrounding the space and unlooped his arm from their maknae, cantering off to pester a tired Seokjin.

-And Jimin had been stunning.

Jungkook felt he could barely breathe every time his eyes laid upon the older singer...


... His boyfriend.

"You alright Kook?" Jimin's melodic voice wafted over the younger as they stood inches apart, their eyes firmly locked. The younger singer wasn't entirely sure if his muscles had frozen in some instinctive need to remain close to the older, or whether the contemporary dancer's gaze had locked him in a sort of psychological battle, of which he was both unable, and unwilling to escape.
Jungkook nodded, "Just-you just... You look... stunning." He could hardly push the words through his lips.

They had made the decision shortly after their devastating argument, to take a large step back in their relationship. In effect, they wanted to find the same love they already felt, yet away from the onslaught of conflict, misdirection and fear of being outed. And, being initially inexperienced, Jungkook didn't mind taking the extra time to retrace their steps. Especially now, he huffed to himself, he had some idea about what he was doing.

But regardless of the intense emotions they felt around each other... they hadn't had sex since that night shortly after their fight. And neither of them had wanted to push it, for fear of causing a messy situation again. All too well, the memories of early 2016 rushed towards them in a fearful haze, making each singer hesitant to encourage the other in moving faster than either artist appeared willing to.

The last time Jimin had encouraged Jungkook to progress in their relationship... a cold chill ran down the maknae's spine at the thought. He'd thoroughly enjoyed the evening of course but still, to this day, he was unconvinced his subtle stream of gifts sent to Sae-mi whenever possible would ever be a big enough apology.

Until now.

Jungkook hadn't felt so determined to share an experience like that with Jimin for months.
And he could tell he wasn't alone with these feelings.

He never wished to see Jimin for purely his image. Though entirely worthy of every visual acclaim, the older singer was so much more than a pretty face. He wished the singer would open up more to Army, show them more of his personality - the side that shied away from the gym, straight jokes, or tank tops to show off painstakingly earned made him burn with excitement now he knew this Wings album may just do exactly that.

But here... Standing in front of him... Jungkook didn't want to look away. Jimin was... Beautiful.

"So do you."

Jungkook was thrown out of his wandering thoughts as Jimin's response was given, spoken in a low tone of voice, his eyes intently piercing through Jungkook's own. It was unsettling yet... Something else too.

A cleared throat beside them broke the trance for a second time. Though irritated at the intrusion, neither individual moved their gaze away from each other, barely acknowledging their leader's presence. Namjoon decided to speak anyway. 

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