Outtake 3: Realisation

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Not sure where this fits in the timeline, perhaps shortly after Jimin grows more comfortable in allowing Kook to have some aspect of control. It's poorly written by the end and I never included it as it felt too cheesy.

[The other members are slowly starting to realise that Jungkook is not quite the innocent, shy yet humorous and confident around them character he is perceived to be.]


It had been a year since Jungkook and Jimin had announced their relationship to the others. It had been nine months since their management knew, and had given their surprisingly relaxed and supportive response. Espeically given the nature in which their manager had discovered the whole situation in Osaka.

Their careers had suddenly hit a busy streak - of course, their lives were constantly busy, filled with tours, concerts, interviews, photoshoots, album making... Endless chores to ensure the world received the best that BTS could offer. But this meant neither Jimin nor Jungkook had much free time to themselves, let alone time they could spend together. So, understandably - although initially with some mild teasing - the other members had grown used to the partners occasionally drifting off and disappearing for an hour or so between schedules when they yearned for some time together.

"Jimin-" The maknae mumbled as hands roamed his bare chest, lips delicately trailing his neck as his boyfriend pressed up against him tightly, the two gently sinking into the queen sized mattress upon Jungkook's bed. A smile flickered onto Jimin's face as he observed the younger close his eyes in simple pleasure, whose hands lightly entertwined in the dancer's coloured hair as their slow, yet intimate embrace continued.

But then, as teeth grazed bare skin, causing hips to instinctively buck and a low groan to emit from the dominant figure's throat, Jungkook opened his eyes, a sort of lustful, longing expression washing across his face at the realisation of what he had done, "Baby-" Jimin barely had time to mutter, before legs wrapped themselves around his torso and his back was gently lowered onto the bedsheets, Jungkook confidently hovering above him. He sighed.

They were long past the moments of surprise when Jungkook's hormones took control of his confidence and so this sigh was not of disbelief. Nor was it irritation either. It was more so amusement. For indeed, his actions were of no surprise to Jimin anymore. Yes, his dominant side was less frequent than Jimin's - he was quite happy to let the older take control and occasionally intrude with his own ideas when his hormonal, lustful state got the better of him. But when he was confident enough - he was very confident.

Jimin found a low moan passing through his lips as a firm hand trailed down his chest, fingers swiftly unbuttoning his shirt and letting the material hang carelessly off his shoulders as the hand continued its journey. Jungkook hooked a finger into the belt loops of Jimin's jeans, tugging at the material as they engaged in a deep, longing embrace.

For the next few minutes, Jimin was not certain that either of them could be any closer. Their breath continued to become increasingly laboured as their kiss deepened, tongues battling for dominance and yet, neither quite wishing to crown a victor. Bare chests, beaded with sweat were pressed tightly together, accompanied by roaming hands that gradually, amidst the atmosphere of heavy breath and brief, longing moans, found their way to belt buckles and trouser zips.

The maknae pulled away from their deep kiss, smirking at the slight pout from his companion. Yet, this smirk was swiftly wiped from the older's face and replaced with a smile of pleasure as lips placed themselves upon his neck, teeth delicately pulling at the sensitive skin as he succeeded at distracting Jimin from where his hands had been gradually roaming. "Kook-" came the breathy mutter as a hand drew itself under the material of Jimin's underwear and slowly began running its way across his length.

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