Chapter Thirty: Police, Graduation And The Promise Of Overwatch

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Its undeniable that when one finds out their partner had a history of a bad relationship, they will experience a mixture of emotions that often seem as if to contradict themselves. They undoubtedly will experience shock at the revelation that, the one they truly love was indeed subject to such a gut wrenching, sickening past- This shock perhaps then morphing into periods of tearful hysteria at why they'd never realised it.

At the same time however, one might experience guilt. Guilt at being so utterly oblivious to any sort of sign that something horrific was tormenting their partner: whether in the form of evident nerves at romantic gestures, slight comments at definitively submissive pasts or perhaps, as nightmares.

Then or course, there's the second form of guilt. The guilt at misreading these very behaviours and accusing them of actions their partner would never even dream of comitting. Rejection, silence... Disloyalty.

And to top the jar of confusing, wretched emotions off, comes the final: A fierce sense of determination, driven by fired anger. Through the shock and guilt of the realisation, emerges the intense desire to protect the partner from ever experiencing the same distress again. A detemination so strong, that sometimes - whether from the partner or other onlookers - one would be encouraged swiftly to reign their anger in, for fear of revealing far too much information to curious, prying eyes.

These were the very emotions felt by Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae of BTS, on the way to his graduation.

It had been a month since they'd returned to Seoul. A month since Jimin had confessed. A month since Jungkook had learnt the entire story. January had gone so rapidly, that the youngest singer had hardly realised the whirlwind of events that had occured.

They'd moved dorms, firstly. Jungkook now had his own room, finally relieving Namjoon of his 'baby sitting' duties and replaced with... Well, another baby. Taehyung. But as the weeks droned on, Namjoon had begun to grow accustomed to the idea that least one day a week, he'd have some peace and quiet away from the hyperative alien. In fact, with the events of the past drawing them ever closer, the boys did not bat an eyelid at the realisation that each one of them had more frequently begun dropping into other rooms and crashing for the night. In the past three days, Taehyung had shifted from Jungkook, to Seokjin, to Yoongi, Hoseok had curled up with the maknae and Namjoon for a while... even Agust D had padded out of bed one night and passed out across Seokjin's bed before the elder could move him. And no one could honestly speak for Jimin. The poor singer had not slept in his own bed once since arriving.

Jimin. Jungkook hummed sadly to himself.

In the aftermath of Jimin's admittance, BigHit had chosen to take various different actions. Having little confidence in Ji-Seok's personal intentions, they were relucant to provoke him by encouraging a loss of his job and a black mark against his name. They didn't know if he'd lash out in retaliation by heading to Dispatch, damaging the strengthened walls Bang PD had built around Jikook for their protection. So they'd dealt with the stylist in private, communicating on a low level with the man in question, trusted members of BigHit, SM Entertainment and the police. Providing he stuck to the rules of the charge, Ji-Seok had been allowed to continue working per usual. Not even Exo members were aware of the exchange.

As Jimin had consistently demanded to the police that everything had been consensual, they could not press as great a charge as anyone who'd heard the story would have liked. Regardless of their own opinions, they could not force the young adult to revert his claims in order to see greater justice for him. He simply shook his head violently at the police and repeated the same answer. 'It was all consensual.' This also had meant their request for a restraining order took longer to process than anyone expected, as it was not considered as great as importantce as other cases.

Stepping out of the car to join his younger boyfriend a month later at his graduation, Jimin was still impatiently waiting for Bang PD's request to be confirmed by the police.

"Jungkook!" A voice rose over the crowds as finally, through the hectic bustle of fans and frantic media, Jungkook's classmates had managed to haul the youngster into the ceremony hall. Brushing himself down and nodding that he was alright to the concerned expressions around him, he weaved his way through the waiting students to the one who had called him.

"Damn..." Se-hun whistled, raising his eyebrows at his best friend. As they embraced, the older smirked, "Kook I know I've seen you on TV with make-up on and shit but... Wow you've never worn it to school."
The maknae laughed, instantly aware of such a fact but, as per a silent promise to himself, he did not look nervously around at the pairs of eyes he knew would be curiously watching him.

"I partially didn't have a choice...cameras." he shrugged, "I also have a press event after this. But... I quite like wearing it anyway."
This, was true. He hadn't attended school since the Blood, Sweat and Tears music video had been released and he knew, once he had returned that some students would see him differently. That idea became even more apparent once they'd secured a number of incredible wins in December. Following that realisation, he decided to stop hiding his 'true self' around his classmates and had surprised himself by not thinking twice at the idea of wearing make-up to school.

"Se-hun I've got a free day tomorrow."
"Excuse me you have what?!" The older student spluttered, his hand clutching his chest in wide eyed shock, "Sorry," he laughed, waving his hand, "Go on."
"You want to have a day out?"
"Bro I don't mean to be mean, but you're Jeon Jungkook."
The maknae sighed, frowning to himself at the realisation of his limitations. "Se-hun?"
"Yes Kook."
"Do you want to spend a day in the BTS dorm playing Overwatch?"
"I thought you'd never ask."

To his relief, the graduation ceremony was over before he knew it. Settling back into the car, Jungkook could not help but allow a wide smile to grace his features at the realisation of who he'd be sharing the ride with. He didn't care that in the front passenger seat, a staff was wielding a Bangtan Bomb camera. Jimin was here. That was all that mattered. BigHit would edit out anything suspicious from the footage anyway.

"You ok?" Taehyung learned momentarily towards him from the back seat, tapping Jungkook out of his wandering thoughts. He took in the wide grin of their maknae, his sparking eyes and his heart soared. Jikook were officially back.

Despite a month passing since Jimin's horrific confession, it had only been a week since the loved up pair had actually properly interacted. This wasn't necessarily because they despised the idea of talking or being close to each other. It was more hesitancy and fear from Jimin's side violently mixed with distress and guilt from Jungkook that had driven their delayed re-meeting.

After his panic attack at BigHit, Jimin had spent the rest of the week with Manager Sejin, curled into the covers of the man's guest room bed. He'd only visited the dorm once to sort out his belongings on moving day. The next week, he'd reappeared at the studio for work, but could not bring himself to even look at Jungkook in the eye. Any interactions were merely professional, and not a single individual present could sense even a wisp of romantic desire spiralling between the two. Of course it was there. It was just overshadowed by the pungent fumes of their intense fear and nerves.

As the third week rolled to a close, Jungkook had finally picked up the courage to face the truth. He'd messaged Jimin from where he sat opposite him in the living room. The rest of the band silently watched in hopeful longing as the two love-birds promptly stood up simultaneously and retreated to an emptier space to talk.

"What are we doing?" The question quietly rolled from the maknae's lips as he leant heavily against the balcony railing.

This view was different from the last dorm. It sent a small tinge of saddness into his heart at the comparison. Of course, he could still see the bustling city of Seoul and the greenery that surrounded it, but before his eyes could grace such a sight, he was met with security gates and another row of apartments identical to their own.

Beside him, Jimin shrugged, letting out a deep heavy sigh. Taking a moment to think, he suddenly let out a giddy, nervous chuckle. "Being idiots."
Jungkook hummed, smirking, "I won't deny that."

"Should we talk then?" Jimin huffed, turning slightly to face his currently ex-boyfriend, his smirk still very much apparent aross his face. After a moment, Jungkook joined him with the same comical expression, turning to him and holding out a hand for Park Jimin to humourously shake.

"Why not."

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