Chapter Six: Nightmare

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//Mature scenes//


Having all lost on sleep the previous night, Taehyung did not grow irritated at Jungkook and the rest of his hyungs silently retreating into their rooms for the night. Although knowing they had a long schedule ahead of them over the next few days, the young singer remained up with his two actor friends, chatting away until late hours of the morning.

"Baby..." Jungkook murmured in slight frustration as a body slumped down next to him. The figure had misjudged his fall by an inch or so, meaning their shoulders heavily collided on Jimin's impact with the bed.
But both singers were too exhausted to complain about the slight pain.
Drawing Jimin towards him, the maknae bundled the older into his chest, drew his leg comfortably over the dancer's waist and promptly drifted off to sleep.

And soon after, Jimin too found himself drawn into the thick enveloping layers of exhaustion.

But by no means did it come as comfort.

And when he finally woke up, the older singer had never felt so much dread.


Hands desperately roamed their way across bare bodies, not an inch of distance between the two figures within their lustful embrace. With tongues long since able to explore mouths, lips only hovering against the other pair... the eyes of the younger shut tightly as he relished in the wash of feelings from recently discovered pleasure.

A moan threatened to rise into his throat, but he forced it down painfully, a thin slither of blood drawn from his lip from the force of his teeth clamping his mouth shut.
The walls weren't that thick. They'd be heard by the band members if he had let it out.

His hands dropped from the older's waist as without warning the thrusts grew deeper, more determined in their journey of emitting pleasure across the pair. His fingers found folds of the bedsheet behind his head, grasping them tightly enough that he believed his fingers might have displayed a disconcerting purple sheen.

With lips parted, breath reduced to mere shudders as his body was enveloped in intense pleasure, he believed he'd never experienced anything so rewarding in his life...


Palms splayed themselves firmly against the tiled wall of the shower, the shaking arms they belonged to threatening with each forceful movement to drop and cause both individuals to stumble across the slippery floor.
Sensing this, a firm arm snaked its way around the young singer's waist to support him. Nails tightly dug into flushed skin in their owner's determined persuit to find some form of pleasure amid their rushed, sloppy embrace.

If the younger felt anything more than a gentle waft of heat, or the tension building across his abandoned member, he did not show it. He believed there was very little he could have felt amid the fast paced, forceful thrusts of his elder partner - An act most definitely to use the younger as a means of releasing that day's tension.

But the younger knew it must be accidental. He was just stressed. He'd apologise later and find forgiveness through an intimate, loving embrace that made the younger lose all sense of his reality. Like last time.
Anticipating this therefore, he endured. He clenched his fingers tightly, small mutters of discomfort escaping his lips.
Closing his eyes, he began to predict the arrival of each pleasure-less jolt, focusing his attention on the firm grip against his torso, small sparks of pain slowly beginning to creep their way up his lower back.

Just endure. He didn't mean it...


The younger flinched. Amid their tongue twisted battle the two had engaged in, perched on toilet seat in a small tacky cubicle, a hand absentmindedly snaked its way towards his crotch. Resisting the urge to hiss at the touch of cold air around them, the younger focused little on the actions of the elder, who had drawn out his own member and begun to trail a hand across both exposed lengths in quick rhythmic jerks.

He had begun to not question their actions anymore. He was far too inexperienced to know what to do himself and he didn't mind doing it. He relished in the company of his partner, gratefully accepting their actions that gave him small breaks of freedom from Idol life.

He just let the older do what he wanted.

"Ah... This isn't enough." The younger heard the older mutter between breathy tones, his pumps growing to a harsher pace. His submissive partner buried his head within the older's neck, letting out a muffled groan of pleasure at the gradual build of heat spreading across his stomach. A hand gently drew itself up to brush a loose strand from the young singer's face, "The day is over and it's a rest day tomorrow - you don't need to worry about people noticing."

Despite overcome with a warming feeling of desire at the affectionate touch, a wash of nerves flooded the younger. It was a feeling he'd never felt in each other's presence before.
"We're in a toilet cubicle." he pointed out dejectedly through heavy breaths.
"So?" A quiet chuckle filled the space, "Is the backseat of that car much different?"

The younger paused in thought.
Maybe his partner had a point.

He nibbled his bottom lip nervously, "W-we should wait until the hotel. It would be easier and no one would be able to walk in."
"Baby..." A smile graced the older's lips and he stared with comforting eyes into those that emitted slight uncertainty. "When have you been worried about that? I thought you said it's all part of the excitement!"

It did make sense. And he had said that. His partner wasn't wrong.

Anxious that he did not want to spend much more time away from his band, and knowing his sexual desires were only going to increase, the younger had agreed. He clambered off his older partner, briefly pecked his lips and instinctively turned his back.
"No... Baby... let's be different." The voice behind him wafted into his ears in a new sort of tone. One that made the singer's stomach flutter with longing and yet also... churn with nerves.

"Come... sit." With little reason to stop their actions, the younger let firm, needy hands guide him. let them trail his slight waist and haul the young artist onto his lap. Lowering down onto the older, his partner closed his eyes and hissed with content.


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