Chapter Sixteen: Kim Namjoon, Leader Of BTS

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The wind howled through Jimin's ears as he ran, striking painful slashes of sharp cold air across his tear stained cheeks. Rain droplets hurtled in small, freezing streams down his back, seeping through his thin cotton shirt and traversing across his already frozen skin. But he was far too distressed to notice the pain.

He simply let his legs take him wherever they wished.

"Jimin!" Taehyung screamed into the darkness, flinging himself out of the entrance to their block. Not thinking twice, he hurtled across the street after the sobbing singer he could just make out in the distance. But as he stepped out to dash across a second road, his heart shuddered in panicked fear as a car screeched to a desperate halt inches away from him.
The driver scowled, yelling something inaudible from inside the vehicle as Taehyung profusely apologised, his heart still violently beating in shock. Once his feet hit the pavement, he doubled over for a brief moment to catch his breath.

Fucking hell Taehyung, he shook his head, If Seokjin had been here... He did not wish to find out the stream of high pitched screams he'd have recieved if their eldest hyung had seen Tae's irresponsible actions. But then he mind hurtled back to the present. Jimin! Looking up, he realised in distress that the contemporary dancer was nowhere to be seen.


Namjoon was livid. From the second Taehyung's feet left the dorm, he had launched himself up from the kitchen chair and stormed into his and Jungkook's room, unable to help a stream of anger flooding from his lips in the form of curse words and hisses of frustration. By the time the other three hyung line artists had scrambled after him, their maknae was already a sobbing, trembling mess bundled within his bed sheets as his beloved leader hurled profanities his direction.

"Do not do this to us again!" he yelled, struggling against the grip Seokjin had planted upon his arm. Taking a moment to weakly struggle, he finally gave up against his hyung and allowed himself to be harshly dragged from the room.
"Namjoon!" The leader felt a sharp jab on his shoulder and in surprise, he realised Seokjin had lightly punched him in order to break his trance of anger. He scowled, flopping onto the sofa and glaring up at his eldest brother, "What?"
He was met with an expression of disbelief, "Did you really just ask me that? Namjoon for goodness sake you're our leader! We all heard the arguement - both Jungkook and Jimin are in the wrong. Don't hurl it all at the little one as if his reaction was partially justified."

The leader of BTS didn't want to admit his elder was right, but Seokjin was. He was just so terrified that the events of the past would filter back into reality and Namjoon honestly didn't think the band could keep another huge Jikook fight within the shadows.
It had been a disaster.


"Fuck Jimin did he hit you?!"

"I honestly don't think I know anything anymore."

"-Do you know how hard it is to be accused of sexually abusing the one you love?!"

"Namjoon help! They're going to kill each other!!"



None of the bruises had faded for at least two weeks and Taehyung hadn't properly gotten over his dizzy spells for much longer. Namjoon had never thought any one of the members would ever be capable of engaging in such a physical fight, especially one that landed Tae, as simply a poor onlooker in A&E overnight. By the time Bang PD had called him back in response to his rushed, 4am messages, the young leader was certain he was going to insist BTS disbanded, or, got a new leader.

And suddenly, Seokjin found two arms wrapped tightly around his waist. A mop of dyed hair buried into his neck as their beloved leader let out a wracking sob. "Shh..." The eldest whispered, gently making circular movements with his fingers against his best friend's shuddering back. When he sensed the sobbing decrease, these fingers gently prised Namjoon's head out of his neck and comfortingly wiped glistening tears off flushed cheeks, "It'll be alright..." he murmured, leaning forward and pressing his lips to their leader's forehead delicately.

But to his dismay, hands bunched themselves more tightly within his shirt, and a fresh flood of tears cascaded down the rapper's cheeks.
"No... No it won't... This- it's too dangerous Jinnie-I-" and the older was engulfed into another tight embrace. He gently leant his back against the sofa, soothingly running a hand through the strands of hair belonging to the head now firmly buried into his chest. At the sight of this, he too felt small tears threaten to spill from his tired eyes.

He knew what Namjoon meant. They'd spent a lot of time talking about it, in the evenings Jikook had kicked their leader out of his own room. Bundled in a warm set of blankets, sharing a set of earphones to binge watch anime, the main rapper had eventually confessed to every one of his concerns.

"I know I said I'd support their relationship-" he'd muttered suddenly, his eyes still glued to the fight scene they were watching. He'd explained then how he desperately wanted to support them, but was it selfish that he was terrified of what it would do to BTS? All seven of them had worked so desperately hard to get to where they were now, facing horrendous challenges and criticism that had even once convinced Namjoon himself to drop everything and run back home. With each waking day, seeing how infacuated the two were, "It worries me hyung." And Seokjin assured him he wasn't alone in those thoughts.

It was fine in the dorm. Yes, they did still have some ground rules to set - giving Namjoon his bedroom space and remembering they lived with their five brothers were a few of these. But Jikook were taking more risks outside the saftey of their home. Locking themselves in changing room  bathrooms, making inside jokes during interviews or fanmeets... They all knew Army were not unobservant. Nor were the media. One whiff of a scandal and Dispatch would be over them like hyenas fighting over a bloodied carcass.

Flying to his feet, he wiped his eyes and reached for his phone. He wouldn't wait any longer. "Seokjin I'm calling Bang PD." Jimin and Taehyung weren't Idol rookies anymore. They weren't safe on their own in the middle of Seoul... more people knew them than the last time both of them had snuck out against the rules, "Don't let Kookie leave. We don't need three maknae's chasing each other around the city."

Morning 💚 I think this update is a little shorter but hope you enjoy anyway :)

As always, comments and feedback appreciated 💚

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