Chapter Fourteen: The Beginning

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Since their weekend break the previous week, Jungkook and Jimin hadn't had another opportunity like it to momentarily escape Idol life.
September 2016: meant two things. One, they were off performing again. They'd spent copious hours in the dance studio rehearsing laborious steps after steps, pushing out vocals perfectly critiqued and new techniques subsequently practiced to ensure every moment upon the stage in Manila would be flawless.
And the second thing?

"Happy Birthdaaaaay!!!" Jungkook winced as two pairs of fists pummeled his shoulders violently, refusing to back away in some adrenaline pumped reminder that he indeed, was another year older. 20, to be exact.
"Alright back off!!" he grumbled, swerving to avoid Hobi and Taehyung's painful jabs. Yet couldn't stop a grin flooding across his wide face at a shorter, blonde haired young adult laughing loudly as he swung his phone into the faces of each member of BTS in the room.

At the sound, the maknae's heart pounded loudly against his chest. It was so... Melodic. So ... Calming and yet... His laugh at the same time wanted to make him jump into the air for joy and race across Seoul, screaming out that Park Jimin was indeed his boyfriend.
Ever since the decisions he had taken that morning with Jimin in the hotel, he had felt that their relationship had simply grown even stronger. It was almost a similar progression to when he and the contemporary dancer had elevated their make-out sessions to use of tongue and slight grinding, an act that eventually encouraged Jungkook to not even flinch when he and Jimin got seemingly too close within a photoshoot, perhaps accidentally fell against each other in compromising positions or... Not so accidentally if the timing was right.
It had meant so much more than simply progressing their ability to grow physically comfortable.

Yes, they'd had sex before the hotel. But Jungkook saw that moment, that morning as a demonstration of a new level of trust. He'd done something he had never even imagined himself agreeing to, almost without a single moment of hesitation. For a few reasons: He loved Jimin and he trusted his boyfriend. (and... They were both incredibly horny but... Jungkook wasn't counting that as a big factor...probably).

And that newfound trust did not go unnoticed by the rest of BTS. Jimin was never guilty of anything, the older would never possibly lie to their maknae... Why would he ever question such a thing? By halfway through the week, both Jimin and Jungkook had the lock codes to both their phones, they often answered each mobile if the other was asleep or they were in closer reach. Jungkook knew what Jimin wanted from the shops without asking, so did Jimin. Jungkook knew when it was ok to borrow something of Jimin's and, eventually, by end of August, Jimin too was granted full access to Jungkook's belongings. Hoseok didn't need to ask Jungkook to use his gaming equipment - Jimin already knew whether the answer was yes or no. Did Jimin want to join for takeout? Yes he did, thank you Jungkook. Did Kookie want to buy the same jacket as Tae? Yes ok, thanks Jimin. Oh... Use your card he'll paying you back? Sure, why not... The list went on.
It was no wonder why occasionally, the other members had begun to mix the two lovebirds up.

Watching as Jimin pocketed his phone, the maknae had almost not a single second before a figure bundled into him, knocking him onto the floor in a bubbling howl of hysterics. As two eyes gazed into his own, he had even less time before lips eagerly pressed themselves against his own and at once he was engulfed in a sweet, endearing embrace.
"Alright alright! Save that for later we have a vlive to do!" Seokjin yelped, accompanied by various mocking groans of disgust at the PDA.

Once assured the two infacuated young adults would not attempt any suspicious behaviour on the vlive - courtesy of a tense Namjoon - the night launched into both a celebration for Jungkook, and time spent with their precious Army.


"Babyyyy." Jungkook whined as a pair of lips disconnected from his own.
Jimin chuckled, "You're such a child. Let me go, I have to pee." Before the maknae could convince him otherwise, the older had unraveled himself from their hold and swanned out of the room in pursuit of relieving his bladder.

It was exactly 24 hours after Jungkook's birthday. To the dorm's utter relief, the two had decided to spend that celebratory evening in a cute, cuddly embrace watching Wall-e with the rest of the group. The young couple had fallen asleep shortly into the film, and had not even woken again when Seokjin and Namjoon gently tucked them Jungkook's bed.
They would have placed Jimin into his own room, if the two had not tightly entertwined themselves, unwilling to part even when unconscious.

The older singer had spent every night since their getaway in Jungkook's room, only using his room as a wardrobe space and for one single movie night with Hobi and Tae. It had become such an running joke in the past week, that the two abandoned roommates had promptly begun tucking a large stuffed teddy bear into Jimin's bed each night. Namjoon still found his jaw aching from intense silent laughter at the sound of soft coos and 'Goodnight jiminie' that emitted from the comedians' bedroom.

Wanting to give them the space they needed as a budding romance, Namjoon had begun more frequently crashing with Seokjin and Yoongi. He'd have taken Jimin's empty bed with Hoseok and Tae, but he wanted Jimin to have a space to return to should an argument occur at a godforsaken hour... Again. Besides, neither their dance leader nor the remaining maknae line singer granted him permission to replace stuffed bear Jimin... Nor did Namjoon have the heart to replace him anyway.

So, he figured Yoongi's tempremental sleeping habits and Seokjin's inability to stay awake once sleep was fixed into his mind, were far more welcoming than falling asleep with all fingers and toes crossed in desperate hope that Jikook would not have a sudden romantic revelation in the middle of the night.
But it was growing a little frustrating.

Humming to himself happily, Jimin walzted his way back towards Jungkook's room, ready to launch himself onto the bed and become enveloped into a peaceful, gentle sleep.
"Jimin?" A voice shattered his pleasant thoughts.
"Yes Namjoon?" The younger turned and grinned at their leader who was walking out of the kitchen, chewing on a brownie.
Damn Seokjin and his brownies.
"Can I sleep in my own bed tonight?"
Jimin blinked, paused in thought as he frowned at the suggestion. Did he mean... Without... Jungkook...?
"I thought you didn't mind sharing with Jin-"
"-Jimin-ahhhh!" The leader whined, scowling at him, "If you dont spend some time apart you'll drive each other crazy! If its that important, why don't you both sleep in your room-?"

"-No I think Jimin will be sleeping by himself tonight."

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