Chapter Twenty Seven: The Mess He Made

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Because this is shorter expect 2 updates today.


To his relief, at around four in the morning, Min Yoongi rolled out of his tight bear hold and slumped onto the otherside of the bed away from Hobi.
Thank fuck. Hoseok breathed out deeply, stumbling blindly to his feet in the darkness. He really needed the bathroom.

As he staggered from the room, closing the door silently, he stopped, looked up at the commotion and then launched towards the front door in a blind panic, "No!" his fingers grasped shirt material and he winced as a tearing sound resonated around the two as he and Jungkook tumbled to the floor. Scrabbling to his feet, Hobi slammed his back against the dorm door, "You can't leave." he said breathlessly. By this point, he was seriously beginning to wonder if coincidences really were just subtle paths of destiny.

"Why not? I want to go to the office."
"You can't." Hobi ignored the maknae's pout, far beyond trainee years to really be affected by it, "Bang PD said no." His hands flew to the youngest's chest as Jungkook attempted to wrestle past him again. Realising it was hopeless, the maknae let out a scream of rage and stormed back into his bedroom, the slam of his door resonating loudly around the dorm.

Concerned he would try to escape the moment Hoseok returned to Yoongi, the dance leader sat himself against the door. He was right. As the first jolt resonated across his back painfully, he knew he needed more help, "Please forgive me for this..." he grumbled as he produced his phone and shakily selected a number from his contacts, gritting his teeth as the second jolt shuddered through his body. Knowing he'd need both hands to stop Jungkook, he placed the phone on loudspeaker and placed it by his feet.

His heart pounded in terror as the sound of ringing coarsed through his ears. Then, "Hello?"
"I need help!" he yelled, letting out a yelp as the door jolted again, "Jungkook-ah stop it! You'll break down the door-!"
"-That's the plan you shit!" Came a muffled response.
"Hoseok-shii? How have you got my number?"

Hobi froze, thankful it was not a video call, for a red tinge rose to his cheeks. He coughed once, "Uh...I'll tell you at a better time. Just... I need some- fuck off Jungkook! - sorry, I need some help... - ow you idiot! - one second Sae-mi," Hoseok sighed, knowing he'd get severely reprimanded for what he was about to do. Opening his mouth wide, he screamed. "YOONGI!"
"Hoseok I'm coming to the dorm. I assume you're there?"

He had just enough time to yell 'yes' before the door swung open and he clattered to the floor, Jungkook landing heavily on top of him. They scrabbled painfully for a few moments until suddenly, when Hobi was certain he'd used up all his energy, Jungkook disappeared. He lifted his head to see the maknae engulfed in a tight hold by Yoongi, who held a deep scowl across his face as he bundled the singer into the bedroom, "Get in." he grumbled at Hobi, throwing Jungkook onto the bed, "Lock the door."

Hoseok lifted a exhausted finger at him, "One moment," he muttered, feeling quite dizzy, "Bathroom."

The moment the door was locked, both sides of Sope sat against it, their arms folded as they glared at Jungkook.

"Hoseok." Yoongi breathed out heavily.
"Yes Yoongi." His best friend replied in an equally breathless tone. Without warning, a hand reached up and slapped him around the head, "Ow!"
SUGA pointed a finger firmly in his direction and scowled, "You know what that was for."
Yes, Hoseok huffed, yet let a smile waver on his face. He did.

They sat in silence for the next ten minutes, sharing scowling gazes with their disgruntled maknae and gradually recovering from their intense moment of panic. Jungkook tried to demand why they'd been left behind, 'Wht wasn't Hobi enough to look after Yoongi? Hyung seemed fine enough.' until eventually, neither rapper could hide from him that he'd been kept home on purpose. This naturally, brought another torrent of questions forward. But both Yoongi and Hoseok had been sworn to silence by their bandmates, CEO and manager. If Jungkook found out now, Hoseok didn't even want to be in the same dorm as the maknae. Heck, not even the same neighbourhood, let alone the same room.

He sighed with relief as his phone buzzed. Yoongi looked down and frowned at the caller, but said nothing.
"Hi! Yes coming. One moment." Hoseok hopped to his feet, warily eying Jungkook as he unlocked the door and hastily slammed it behind him. He heard the lock click on his way to the back door.

Knowing Dispatch were yearning for a scandal, a lot of the female staff chose to enter a different route to the dorm, if they ever visited without the well known tech and staff convoy around them. These staff simply were completing admin, helping the students with homework, doing last minute costume tailoring, but Dispatch wouldn't consider it that.
Hoseok opened the back door, glancing around nervously into the corridor in case anyone had followed. Drawing his head back in, he grinned at a tired Sae-mi.

"Thank you... I-I-we're in a bit of a mess and I know Jungkook talks to you." He guided her to where Yoongi and Jungkook were currently loudly arguing.
"Where are the others?" the young woman asked, knowing the other members of BTS were far higher up the list of confidents than her.
"At the BigHit office-"
"-At four in the morning?!"

He hurried shushed her, grasping her shoulders as they reached the door and muttering silently, hoping Yoongi's irritated voice would hide his explanation from Jungkook, "Jimin's in big trouble... Not himself, but, as in someone has caused him a lot of trouble." Sae-mi's eyes widened, "The others have gone to try and fix the whole mess, but we can't tell Jungkook yet until we know the full story. It'll shatter him." She nodded in understanding, "He knows he's being kept away, which is why you can hear yelling." He reached up and knocked on the door. After a few moments, the yelling subsided and the door opened.

Both were beckoned in quickly, neither Jungkook nor Yoongi flinching at the sight of the stylist, "Jungkook I've brought someone I thought you could talk to." As she gently approached the tearful teenager, Hoseok silently encouraged Yoongi out of the room, closing the door after them and pattering into the kitchen. A smile flickered onto both their faces as the sounds of small mutters resonated fron the room, indicating Jungkook's yelling episode had finally subsided.

"About four, five months in things started to feel uncomfortable, but I didn't realise this affair needed to stop for much longer. But even when I did..." Jimin couldn't help as he let out a sob, "... How could I know what he did-? I was just a teenager! I... That isn't Ji-Seok... Its not what he does-"
A hand was placed comfortingly on his knee. He looked up into the worried eyes of Namjoon.

"Sometimes," He spoke his words cautiously, "People can do things like that without realising... Or... Not thinking vocal consent is necessary in that situation, but not intending to force themselves onto you either... Does that make sense?" The younger nodded timidly, "But that's still absolutely not okay Jiminie. He should have known it was wrong. He took advantage of your lack of knowledge - which isn't your fault by the way! - and used it to play to his favour." A hollow feeling crept into Jimin's chest. The feeling of being manipulated, being used by an individual exploiting a teenager's innocence and desire for sexual exploration. It made him feel sick. In fact, as the realisation came back to light, as all their memories piled into the front of his mind, he pulled himself away from Taehyung and promptly vomited.

"When did you finally tell him to stop?" Bang PD asked, silently motioning to a member of staff outside the office to hurriedly find a bucket and tissues. His mind raced nervously as an expression of despair flushed over Jimin's face and he knew even before the young singer had opened his mouth, what the answer would be.

"I didn't."

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