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The date PT2, FACTS~

Jane's POV

Jungkook was driving while I am playing with my phone, and I really can't believe he can actually drive and keep teasing me around. Well if I die in a car accident I'll become a ghost and I will definitely kill him too.

But well i have no idea where the hell he is taking me now, I just known that he'll treat me that's why I agreed going out with him. Hehehehe

"Hey, where we actually going?" I patted his tights and asked him gently, "just wait.." he teased and he max speed the car while we are in the highway road.

"Yahhh you punk!! drive gently or else..." I warmed him but he didn't listed and he looked at me in the front mirror, "or else what?" He smirked and I'm so done with this jeon jungkook.

"I swear to god if I die, I will definitely show up to you and scared you up!" I marked my words to him and he looked at me again, "Well I die too Ofcourse, well that's good so I can be with you all day." He said and I was trying hard to won't blush.

"Well no, because you're going to hell and i go to heaven.." I chuckled, "not sure about that!" He demanded and giggled.

Time has passed~

We finally arrived to this restaurant called 'mi amore' with matching park in the front. And the motto was 'this is where you need to take your love ones before you disappear..." Well I kinda like their motto it such a touching one. But I wonder why jungkook took me here?

The view was so beautiful, so many lights around and many people are hanging out too. It's like I'm lost to this place with many people walking around me.

But someone held my hand unexpectedly and pulled me to guide my way.

"Let's go.." he murmurs and held my wrist tightly.

"Yah jungkook, I'm still enjoying the view and it's my first time going out somewhere!" I demanded but he's so serious right now as my wrist get so hurts because he's holding it so tight.

"I'm hungry, lest eat.." he said gently but it doh d he changed his mood today so fast. "Okay.." I have no choice but to nodd and shut my mouth for a now.

But it's really making me curious, it's like he became cold so fast and serious. I don't even know what is the cause for making him cold.

"Are you okay?" I asked him but it made me embarrassed and I expected slapped my face. "I'm okay haha!" He looked at me and smiled.

Once we arrived  to the inside of the restaurant and someone immediately guide us and asked a few questions. Like what???

"Oh welcome, welcome to mi amore restaurant. How can I help you?" The waiter greeted us respectfully and we did the same. "We'd like to eat..." Jungkook responded. Well Ofcourse how you called this an restaurant if you can't eat here. Common sense duhhh

"Wait, are you two a couple? Because we have a special treat for a couple to eat here!" The waiter said and I immediately let go of my hand to his and I looked at his face wondering what the hell he will gonna say today.

But he did the same, he looked at me. But this is different, he smirked.

"Yes we are.." jungkook smiled to the waiter and held my hand again. I couldn't speak to beat this guy off because I'm to shy.

He's my next door || 𝗷𝗸 𝗳𝗳  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now