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First kiss? Inlove? I don't get it!

Jungkook's POV

I kiss her unexpectedly..

Why did I do that? I'm so dead right now, I don't know what can I say, I think she's also shocked in what I do earlier. And now we're both sitting in the chair of the piano like a frozen doll.

"Hey, I didn't mean that okay?" I tried my best to say to her that it was an accident but she's not talking. "Jane I didn't mean that, I wasn't thinking." I added to believe me.

"I-it's okay.." she said embarrassedly and I'm so terrifing here thinking she will ignore me now. "I really didn't mean that, I'm sorry." I keep saying that to believe me more, and I think she will also believe me because she's my bestfriend.

But literally, I really don't know why I just landed my lips on her, I wasn't really thinking earlier, I felt embarrassed right now.

"But.. did I stole your first kiss?" I asked her nervously, like what if I stole her kiss first plus she doesn't deserve it. "Y-yep.." she looked at me and I felt so embarrassed, I don't know what to do like I wanted to disappear right now.

"Jungkook?" She said my name unexpectedly and I quickly nodded, "Hmm?" I hummed.

"Did I stole your first kiss too?" She literally said worriedly, I was so shocked in her words, apparently it's my first kiss too, she was my first kiss.

"No, you didn't stole my first kiss, I'm the one who stole your first kiss, b-but it's my first kiss too. Ye-yes you stoled it..." I was confused in my words, like what's appearing in my mind I will just spoke it.

"I-I'm sorry too.." she said worried, and I'm literally shocked. "No, you don't need to be sorry because I'm the one who kissed you." I said gently to make her calm.

"Btw, lets go downstairs maybe our moms are out there.." she asked me and I just nodded to her command.

I tried to stay calm and forget it on what happen but   My mind keep imagining her soft lips, damn me. I'm such a I don't know.

But honestly I like it.

Nahh I'm so bad, she's my bestfriend I can't do that to her nor I can't fall Inlove to her. Wait, what did I say?

"Nor I can't fall Inlove with her...."

No shutup self, don't fall Inlove with your bestfriend you might just get hurt. But apparently I'm deeply in love? And I kinda like her lips on me everyday.


You literally can't, She doesn't like you okay? Self.. so move on quickly self before you FALL Inlove again and no one will catch you. Damn.

But I wonder what she's thinking right now.. is she thinking again what happen earlier? Or did she already moved on? She's so quiet, it making me scared, what if she will ignored me forever...

"Jane..." I whispered and she nodded, she's not ignoring me. "what?" She asked me, "nothing." I said embarrassed.

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