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Felt unhappy~

Jungkook's POV

She really didn't gave me banana milk, how selfish is she? and now I think she is addicted in banana milk too, she even asked her mom to buy more.

"Jane are you really not gonna give me some?" I shouted and she literally pretended that she didn't heard. "Go buy your own!" She smirk.

Jane is always be Jane...signs*

And today I helped my mom to carry the boxes more while Jane was watching tv in the ceiling room, how lazy..

"And btw kookie, I almost forgot to tell you." My mom said and We stopped at the corner and it made me curious too. "What mom?" I asked her curiously and she held my arms.

"Are you ready to leave korea?" She said unexpectedly.

"What? Why? Huh?" I was so confused and I looked at my mom's eye so bad. "That's why we aren't home for 2days, I was packing your papers to get ready to go states." She explained and my heart felt heavy I almost dropped the boxes tho.

"Jane's mom helped me alot you know.." she added and patted my back. "Why do I need to go states? When I'm happy in Korea?" I asked my mom.

"Well, we need to go states for your dad's recommendation, your cousins and grandparents are there too. Aren't you happy son?" My mom giggled and patted my shoulders, I couldn't speak at all my mind went off.

"Kookie? Are you okay?" My mom napped me out, "hmm ye-yeah.." I faked a smiled. "But why mom? What if I say I'm not ready to go states?" I asked her worriedly.

"Well then get ready!" She laughed. "Don't worry, I'll tell to Jane about this." She said and walked away but I stopped her.

"Don't, mom!" I held her hand and she made her self turn around on me. "Why kookie? She would be happy for you!" She smiled at me but my eyes are telling that she wont be happy, she will be sad.

"dont tell her, I will!" I said to my mom and I faked a smile again. "Okay then!" She cheerfully said.

My heart aches, actually I don't know how to tell her that I don't think if she would be happy or not, but I know that she loves me and I love her... we just don't want to tell each other's feelings.

But I'm not quite sure if she loves me? But I confess to my self that I already fallen to her, she's such a sweet person and a kind one.

And today, I kinda felt so tired and I went to the ceiling room where Jane was, she's still watching tv alone and eating snacks.

I sat beside her and she noticed me, I rested my head to her shoulders unexpectedly.

"Oh? What happen?" She asked me worriedly but I didn't spoke up. "Are you tired? Or pretending again?" She teased and I looked at her beautiful eyes.

I closed my eyes because I don't know what to do and what to say nor what to think, it's so confusing actually.

"Yahh jungkook! Are you sick again?" She held my forehead and i opened my eyes to check her. "Are you okay?" She asked me again but I'm still not speaking.

"Jungkook!!! A prank?" She playfully hit my chest while I can't stop looking at her face while resting my head in her shoulders, what a good feeling.

And yeah I accidentally pecked her cheeks because she was so cute when she is worried.

"I'm okay, when I'm with you.." I smiled and closed my eyes.

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