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Where are you?

Jane's POV

Sunday morning~

I woke up in my bed unexpectedly and I had a very good dream and I can't wait to tell jungkook because he was there,In my dreams.. he might be gonna laugh so hard on this.

I stood up in my bed and I didn't even fixed my self as my hair was so messy and my eyes are still swollen. I immediately left my room and went to this front door.

I knocked to his door, one time and no one responded at the first, then I knocked again and no one is really responding. Well I think jungkook is still sleeping and I don't want to disturb him.

Then I came to the downstairs to check my mom and I saw her cooking for breakfast and I was curious because my mom is the only one here cooking, where is Mrs. jeon tho? Well every time my mom cooked Mrs. jeon is always there by her side but where is she?

"Mom did Mrs. jeon came for a shopping?" I asked her while standing in the middle of the kitchen and she jumped off in scared. "Jane, it's so quiet here and you suddenly spoke unexpected, are you trying to scare me off?" My mom who always like this when she's alone.

"Wher-" my mom didn't let me to continue my word as she napped me off, "well they left already.." my mom answered my question while slicing the carrots. "What?" I got confused what does she means?

"Jungkook didn't tell you? His mom said jungkook already told you before they left." My mom explained and I'm still confused and curious at the same time. "Wait what?" I scratched my head for no reason.

"Jungkook told me none." I told to my mom and I'm innocent. "But I thought jungkook told you about this but okay, they already left which means they will never return again." My mom explained and My while body went off and my hands started to tremble.

"Prank?" I chuckled to my mom and I left her and decided to go again to jungkook's room. I ran towards the stairs and knocked to his door hard.

"Yah jungkook!! Wake up you pervert!!" I shouted and there is really no responding and I decided to open the door to check him.

But literally, I saw was none. His stuffs, where is he? "Ya jungkook don't make a fun of me, you don't know what is look like when I'm angry.." I murmurs while trembling.

I saw his desk was there and I came to check it on because his diary was there too and with a note on it. I grabbed the piece of paper and I sat to the bed before I read it.

It says,  'Jane.. please read it.' At the top of the paper  then I opened it and my hands were literally shaking.

Jane, if you saw this. I'm really sorry because it's too late that I couldn't tell you that I'm going to states and I will never comeback. I don't like this because I don't want to leave you yet. But I have no choice, it's too hard. I wished I could tell you last night that we're having fun and I don't want to ruined it, that's why I didn't told you that night. I don't know what to do actually when I'm writing this in the middle of the night while you were sleeping preciously And I didn't even told you that I loved you since the day I met you in the forest, I was attracted on you but you didn't know I think.. but today you know that I loved you more than friends, and today..I'm signing off as your next door but I left a few things that it will reminds me, you can keep it up.. thankyou for everything and I love you..

- Jeon Jungkook

"I loved you too since the day you became my next door.. but what just happened?" I murmurs and many tears fallen in my cheeks.

This is so heart breaking, why did he tell me at first when he loved me? I thought he was just playing with my feelings knowing that I loved him too. He is really a damn pervert!!! Jungkook just comeback!

I wiped my tears with my left hands and I'm really trembling, thinking that what just happened, It's too hard for me to accept what just happened. that's why last night he was asking me those questions that doesn't even related to the topic.

Then I grabbed my phone in my pocket to contact his number, because I'm already missing his voice and I want to talk to him, I need more informations. But when I tried to contact that number.. why it says "this person is not available, please contact it later."

Damn you jungkook!! Why did you do this!! I hate you but I miss you....

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