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Hanging out?!

Me and jungkook went on the hallways, waiting for julie to arrived because she said that we need to meet at the hallways so here we are.

while waitingfor julie to arrived, I was glancing to each students were leaving at school already and I looked back to jungkook who is using his phone in his left arm while his right arm is resting in his pocket.

He is damn hot looking right now.

Then I heard a shout which means came for Julie's voice so my eyes immediately moved to julie and I saw her waving and running towards me.

"So I want to say that..." she excitement said but still breathing hard because she ran. "Hmm?" I hummed then jungkook was waiting for her to speak.

" I wanna say that let's hang out or go somewhere else, I'll treat you.." she said excitement then my eyes widened because I was excited too and it's my first time someone is inviting me to go somewhere.

And we jumped in excitement but I looked at jungkook who seems disappointed and sad.

"Jungkook?" I whispered and hold his hand, he looked at me like he don't like julie to be with me. "Hmm?" He hummed, "What wrong?" I asked him worriedly then he just ignored my word.

"Maybe he's jealous?" Julie whispered in my left ears and I looked at her after she said, "I don't think so, why would he jealous?" I whispered back, then she raised her shoulders reminding that she don't know.

"Let's just go home Jane, it's late now.." he demanded and held my hands after he put his phone in his pocket and julie was kinda disappointed too. "Huh w-why? It's just 4:23pm and Thad not late at all.." I said disappointedly also julie.

"We're just going to some park or cafe and hang out there.." julie murmurs and jungkook heard and looked at her, "ok fine, I will just say to your mom that you hang out.." Jungkook said without looking at me, he seems mad.

"But before 8pm you must go home now!" He demanded then I accidentally hug him without realizing at all and he's eyes widened and slowly looking at me.

"So-sorry I'm just happy.." I smiled at him and he smiled a little. "But are you going home now? Alone?" I added and he nodded but I worried about him.

"Why you just come with us?" Julie reach out for him then I agreed but he don't like because we are all girls and it's seems he don't like julie, I just thought.

"I must go home, take care both of you.." he demanded without looking at us while he's arms are crossed. Then he looked at me worried but I think he's mad, then he patted my hair and smiled a little.

"Take care okay?" He said worriedly, "Julie, keep an eye for her.." he looked at julie with a deadly stare and demanded her, she immediately nodded in scared.

"I'm not a child to look for, jungkook." I chuckles and removed his arms over my head and he laughed.

"No, you're still a baby to take care off, so julie please take care of this baby.." he said and patted my head again like a freaking dog.

"JUNGKOOKK-AHHH!!" I keep removing his hands over my head but he kept laughing and when julie started to laugh, jungkook stopped and looked at her.

What the hell is wrong?

Julie trembled in nervous, then jungkook finally left, julie and I started walking through the bus station while taking some conversations.

"Are you sure jungkook and you are just friends?" She asked curiously.

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