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The day that I don't want just happened~

Jungkook's POV


That was the best night happened to me, I like how I put my lips into her, it's such a nice feeling I hope I could kiss her forever.

And today we're at the kitchen taking our breakfast with our moms, but it seems she's so shy to look at me today but I'm staring at her while eating my breakfast. She's so cute when she's shy.

"Jane finish your breakfast, don't you leave here without finishing it!" Her mom demanded because I think she was annoyed and can't eat because I was staring at her, her cheeks were totally red right now.

"But I'm full mom!" Jane with her red face while rubbing her stomach. "No finish it, you just ate a little!" Her mom answered back and Jane was no choice to eat.

"Oh kookie, before I forgot tagt I need to tell you something.." my mom looking at me but actually all of them looked at her. "What?" I asked her curiously and I suddenly stopped eating.

"Just wait, I'll meet you In your room." She smiled and drank her coffee.

And Jane was totally confused too as her face were like 'what?' But I'm curious too, I hope it's a good news.

And after we ate and Jane was assigned to wash the dishes while me I came in my room and decided to continue the last part of my song that I am writing, well it's not finish yet and I'm still finding the perfect beat and chords for the last part.

And also waiting for my mom to knock on my room to tell me what she wants to tell and I'm really excited nor curious for what is that.

So I decided to text Jane first because it's really bored and I need her.

"Hey how r u?" I clicked the send bottom and waiting for her responses and while waiting it i grabbed my notebook and tried to draw her with my mind.


I heard my phone beeped and I grabbed it and it's Jane who texted me back.

"Shut up!" She said with the emoji annoying face, then I responded to this, "why🥺" I was begging for her response and her reaction for this.

Knock knock*

I quickly nodded to the door and it reminded me that should be my mom who's knocking, so I stood up and walked infront of the door and opened it.

I saw my mom seems so happy as she was patting my shoulders when she saw me.

"So what is it mom?" I asked her and she held my hand while she sat in my bed. "Well.." she giggled and pinch my cheeks unexpectedly always.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow and waiting for her response. "Well, get ready for Sunday!!!" She smiled at me and hugged me tight, I really have no idea what the hell just happened.

"For what?" I asked and made an curious face and she pulled her self out of me and held my hands.

"We're finally going to states, I'm happy for you!!" That word that I don't want to hear and I just heard it again. I suddenly remembered Jane again because I'm not ready to leave her and she has no idea about this.

I don't know how to tell her well I have 1 day left because tomorrow is Saturday and I don't know what to do.

"Are you okay?" My mom snapped me up and I blinked and faked a smile "yea-h.."

"So I must go now!!" She smiled and left me.

I layed in my bed and checked if Jane texted me and i saw that she responded.

"You faller!!" She said and I have no idea what the hell is a faller then I texted her back again.

"Wanna go out tomorrow night? Or afternoon?" I asked her and I badly want to know if she wants.

"You are really a faller!!!"  She responded quickly and she kept saying that.

"But Ofcourse I loved too..🙄" she said.

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