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Time repeats~

Jane's POV

I woke up in my bed with my eyes are still swollen, I yawned and stretch my arms. I checked what time is it and I saw 6:30am. It's my first time waking up early wow congratulations self!

I stood up in my bed and looked at my mirror seeing my self as a messy brat hair. Then I went to the bathroom to take my self dressed. But I decided to skip school today because I'm going somewhere..

I brushed my teeths and smiled at the front mirror seeing my dimples but I hate it. After I brushed my teeths I washed my face and look for a clothes to wore. I chosen my black sweater because it's cold outside.

I packed my things and brought my mini backpack, I wore my both pair of shoes and ready to go outside. I came to my front door and opened it slowly and closing it slowly too.

I walked through the stairs but I stopped because I passed something...

My next door.

But never mind, hopefully he's happy now as I wish. I slightly smiled at the door and minded my own business as I continued walking down to the stairs while holding the roof grill.

Once I reach the outside door, I took a deep breathe and opened the door and closed it slowly. I looked at the beautiful sky and chuckled.

I started walking through my favorite place and I brought my airpods and put it on my both pair of ears. I started to jog while vibing the song. Falling by Harry styles.. what a wonderful song.

While walking at the streets and I'm almost there, I stopped jogging and walked instead because I never thought it was exhausting. I was breathing heavy but laughing also I don't know why. Shit I'm going insane.

When I reach the entrance, I was shocked because the entrance did changed. The grass grows taller but it doesn't matter as I still went there. The tress were so big and every I stepped my shoes are cracking like I stepped something crunchy, but because of the dry leaves.

I went to find my place, in the near river and a big rock where I get some fresh air there, it's located in the end of the forest but the forest is not seems huge.

Once I heard the flashing water and I reminds me that I'm almost there. As I walked more faster to reach it immediately.

I finally saw it and I'm glad the rock was still there and it lighten my mood, I sat there all alone and the small rocks behind me was still there. I grabbed some and rolled it on my palm before I throw to the river.

I can't believe time passed so fast, look at me now I'm here again Like I just went here yesterday but no, I lastly went here when- yeah when I met the man who just left me already.

Time just repeat it self, but it's okay I'm fine now, my only goal in my life is to achieve my biggest dream which is a producer/songwriter. I know it sounds crazy but jungkook and I have the same vibe.

But we're not meant to be together. It's fine tho, atleast I experienced having some good time with him, being my next door, being my best friend, my classmate, my brother and also my.. lover

I just meant him by chances.

But I'm still confused why he don't texts me now and whenever I called him he is not available. Did he changed his number? Well never mind.

"Jane...." a voice appears on my left ear and I immediately looked at my left side as I was shocked and terrified.

"Jane what the hell are you doing here?" A girl asked me confusely and I finally breathe peacefully because I was terrified if who was that.

"But I'm the one who need to ask first Julie.." I chuckled and she came closer to me and sat beside me while I gave her more space. "Do you know this place too?" I asked her while vibing the air.

"Yep, I just discovered this yesterday and got be addicted staying here lol." She giggled and I laughed because it's true. "Yeah I know right, it's so peaceful.." I murmurs and started to threw rocks under the river again and Julie did the same.

"Btw, why you're alone? Where's jungkook?" She asked me and looked curiosity and I chuckled. "He went to states.." I admitted.

"WAIT WHAT?" She stood up and her eyes were widened. "Yes, without telling it to me.. but he left a note behind his desk." I explained it.

"WHAT..WHAT THE FUCK?! YOURE JOKING RIGHT? I KNOW HE WONT LEAVE YOU!" She's still on shocked and cant believe what just happened neither me.

"Everyone leaves okay? No one will stay..." I murmurs and held her shoulders. "Bu-but.." she muttered and looked at me worriedly.

"It's okay.. I know right haha!" I patted her back and sat beside me again.

"Let's just... you know, be happy haha... but honestly you know what is the hardest thing? I loved him and he loved me without telling each other..he confess on me through the letter he wrote on me. But he didn't know that I have feelings for him too. And actually we met here, in this exactly place that's why I went here..." I told her and she felt my sadness while I burst into tears and she patted my back.

"I feel you.. I feel you, it's okay now. I'm here!" She murmurs and hugged me.

Time repeats unexpectedly.... where I met him, I will ended up there too. Kookie, I loved you so much.




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