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Jane's POV

It's 8:09pm in the night already and I'm in my room doing my homeworks with my airpods are in my ears and listening to music, I really love doing homeworks if there is music played.

Then because math Is my weakness and I really don't understand math but I decided to get help to jungkook but I'm shy to knock on his door.

But the deadline was tomorrow, then grabbed my papers and pen then I left my room and I'm already standing in front of jungkook's door.

"Should I knock?" I asked my self while my hands were ready to knock, then I bit my lowered lips because of nervous.

Then I kinda heard some voice in his room then I came closer to his door and pressed my ears to the wall of the door to heard it clearly.

He was singing?

I heard some words that they have high notes, he is definitely singing I'd never thought he has a wonderful voice, he really has beautiful voice damn it.

"You are the cause of my euphoria...." the last words that I heard on him and it makes me smile I don't even know why, then when I don't hear him anymore I stood up straight and ready to knock on his door.

Knock knock*

"Come in!!!" He shouted then I slowly opened the door and slowly closing the door too then I looked at him and also he looked at me, I just smiled at him.

"What's up?" He also smiled then he sat on his bed in angel sit position. "Well, uhm y-you know r-right?" My voice was trembling in nervous then I took a deep breathe and hold the papers tightly then he saw it.

"Help me in math!!" I finally spoke the word that i wanna speak up then he chuckles, "oh Jane, I thought what is it, come here sit with me!" He demanded and smiled at me showing his bunny teeths then he patted the bed and I came sat beside him with an angel position too.

"You know, my problem is math!" I said then he laughed, "math is easy.." He murmurs, "it's not!" I fight back then he laughed again, I love the way he laugh, he was so cute when he is showing his bunny teeths.

Then I gave him the papers that I was holding then I gave the pen too, while he was answering my homework I took a explore to his room again as I was looking around and started walking around too.

Then I saw some journal book in his side and I want to read it or see it then I tried to get some permission to him.

"Hey what's that?" I asked while pouting the book, "oh that book is where I draw and write story and also songs." He looked at me then to the book and then back to me again and he smiled.

"C-can I see it?" I raised an eyebrow. "Sure but don't open nor read the last page of the book okay?" He demanded then I nodded in excitement, he gave me the book and I can't want to see his drawings and more.

When I opened the book, the first chapter was calligraphy and it says "my sketch" I was amazed by his calligraphy it was so cute then I turn the second page and finally saw some drawings and it says "eye study" He drew eyes, but the eyes were familiar to me but I didn't mind it because I was excited to turn the next page.

After I read nor see the book and gave it back to him again and thanked him.

"You're so talented, I read one of the stories you wrote but there's no chapter 2," I said and chuckles because the story he wrote was so addicting and made me can't now wait for the next chapter.

"Haha, well it just a short story." He smiled at me and then he gave back the papers too and he is done. "I really love the story I met her by chance, it's so addicting please give me chapter 2!!" I was forcing him to create the chapter 2 but he was just laughing and smiling at me. What that's for?

"Okay..okay.." he nodded and patted my head, "Hey I'm not a dog," I joked then we laughed together. "Why you look like a damn bunny?" I asked him with my curiosity.

"I am?" He asked me confusely, "yeahhh!!" I nodded then I pinch his cheeks and the way I pinch his cheeks, his cheeks were so soft and I think he liked pinching his cheeks because he was closing his eyes and felt relaxed.

"Yah jungkook you are a truly bunny!!" I hit his chest playfully and I keep looking to his face and I like it when his hair was messy.

It make me fall Inlove.....

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