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The date~


While waiting at her, I'm in my room and thinking what is the best way to tell her that I'm leaving tomorrow?

But the problem is I don't know why I need to leave nor my mom when I'm here in korea, I want to stay here with her even if my dad refuse. Well this is my life I can do whatever I want. But I'm afraid at the same time..

Knock knock*

Someone knocked on my door and I think it's Jane who's ready now, then I stood up and packed my things and opened the door for the person who's knocking.

I was amazed when I saw the person in my front door, she was beautiful than I thought. She's Wearing a black tight dress seeing her curvy waist and looking at her from the top to bottom. While me I'm wearing a black jeans and a hoddie with matching black jacket, team black YALL!

"Yahh you punk!! Is there something wrong in dress?" She snapped me in my daydreaming and I realize I'm so embarrassed right now, it's so hard to hide my blushing cheeks right now too. "So shall we?" I asked her and she nodded.

So we walked both in the downstairs and get some approvals in our parents.

"Mom we're going out today.." I said to my mom and she nodded while she saw us and she seems so suspicious. "Are you two dating?" She said shockly and I looked at Jane and she did the same time.

"NO!" Jane accidentally shouted and I face calmed in embarrassment. "I mean no, we aren't.. we're just best buddies!" She smiled and scratched her head and I chuckled.

"Okay then, keep safe guys!!" she said happily and waved at us and we waved back. "Oh wait, just reminder jungkook for our fli-" my mom is so annoying and I didn't let her word continue.

"MOMMM!!" I shouted accidentally but it's not accident honestly. "I mean bye mom.." I changed the topic so Jane will not hmm you know.

While we started to go and I forgot to get the keys of car form my mom.

"Mom, the keys?" I asked and she threw in to me and I catched it, "thanks mom!" I smiled at her, "yah jungkook, keep safe okay? Drive safely.." my mom warned me and I nodded.

"Yah can you drive?" Jane whispered and looked at me so shocked, "yeah, why?" I raised an eyebrow and  she looked away.

"Well I don't trust you, I'll gonna die if you drive.." she warned me and i smirked, "let's see?" I said and she hit my shoulders. "YAH!"

Minutes has passed*

So we're at the garage now and I turned on the car's door by the keys and Jane is still not trusting me and still doubting me. Well I'm crazy btw and scaring here lol.

"Are you sure? You can drive?" She asked me one more time, "yes, so what's the reason for my mom giving me the car's key if I can't drive?" I teased and she rolled her eyes and she sat in the front car beside me while I start to drove it.

He's my next door || 𝗷𝗸 𝗳𝗳  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now