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Back to school

Jane's POV

7:10am, Monday

So today is the most I hate day, again and again no one will change. They will still bully me nor hurt me like their slave.

"Mom do I really need to go to school?" I asked my mom while she was flattening the clothes. "Why did you ask that honey, what's wrong?" she said worriedly and looked at me.

"Um nothing." I faked a smile.

"If you want to achieve your dream you must work hard." My mom cheered me and patted my shoulders then I smiled to her without faking it Because I'm glad I have a mom like her.

Then a few minutes later when my mom was done, I immediately took a shower and looked for a clothes that I should wear, and I took one of my over-sized  hoodie again in my cabinet and picked the dark purple.

When I'm done I  put my important things to use in the school to my bag, and I immediately left the room as I'm going to be late.

"Mom I can't take a breakfast today I'm late, sorry." I shouted then I don't wait for her response but I immediately opened the door and go.

As walking to the side of the road and the sun was already hitting my face then I hooded up And I wish that in this school year I can finally find some good friends to talk too.

I finally arrived at my school, and Im in the front of the gate and many students walking too and passing the gate. but I don't mind them for a now.

As walking to the hallways and I already saw the boys and the girls who were destroying my life since I was a elementary, I really mostly hate the girls in here, why they need to wear shorts to gain attention in school? And having s3x in class bathroom And the way they talk to the boys their sound is like moaning.

As they finally seen me and I just immediately opened my locker and put my books in there, and I guess they don't care anymore, Hopelly.

Then when I closed my locked and seems everyone was quiet and whispering each other and the girls that I hate were already gone I don't know where the hell they went.

When I look around I saw the person who I just met yesterday and my eyes were widened because I was shocked that he was studying here now.


Then the girls that I hate already trying to flirt jungkook, what the hell wrong with them? Do their parents know this? Or they don't have a parents to teach them knowledge?

Then I made a disgusted face to them and jungkook seen me and waved at me, but I didn't waved back as I already walked to come in my first class.

So when I arrived at my class I decided to sit at the empty chair which is the back sit, and my classmate were already whispering over me. Gosh

When I finally sat in my chair with my desk and I decided to put my bag in my side and I grabbed my journal book to draw something because this is so boring while waiting the teacher.

When the teacher arrived, mr. Kim. everyone started to be quiet and I immediately put my things back again in my bag.

"So first, let me introduce you my self, my name is mr. Kim seok as your adviser today." He started to talk, "You May introduce yourself too." He added.

Then later on in my front the girls were whispering which is I heard it. "Damn He is handsome." The one girl said. "I hope he would be mine." The another one girl said it.

Why the hell they came to school just for finding a boyfriend and flirting with boys? Then what school stands for? Searching boyfriends? Gosh people nowadays.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm late." A cute but manly voice that I heard which is it made me turn around.

"Oh I forgot, we have a transferred student, he came from busan." Mr. Kim said proudly. "You May introduce your self so your classmate will know you." Mr. Kim added.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook, I'm 19 years old and I love to dance,draw and also sing. I can write my own songs too and play instruments, well I'm a gamer too and athletic." He said and smiled then his eyes moved around me.

"Oh jungkook right, you may sit hmmmm." Mr. Kim was looking around for a good place for him.

"You May sit next to Choi Jane, back there, she seems lonely."

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