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Don't leave me, I'm scared~

3days later~

Jane's POV

I've been so busy right now and don't know what to do because my exam is near and I didn't review yet because I'm still stressed and worried about him.

He was sick and my mom and he's mom goes to somewhere and left us alone in the house, well I'm absent in the school like a 2days now because mrs. jeon asked me to look for him and take care of him.

Im not good at this shit. Specially he's a boy.

And today I'm about to feed him, like what the- but he's still my bestfriend tho. I'll take care of him because he always taking care of me too and protecting me so I must pay this.

I knocked to his door and opened it, I saw him sleeping peacefully and hugging a pillow, I don't want to disturb him but he haven't eaten anything yet.

I bit my lower lip before I wake him up, because I'm really shy even though we already spent a lot of time together.

"Jungkook..." I muttered under my breath and he doesn't respond, he was sleeping like a baby. "Kookie.." I tried for the second time and patted his shoulders Gently.

"Hmmm.." he hummed and hugged the pillow more tightly, well I hope I was the pillow. Nah just kidding.

I patted his shoulders gently again and he slowly opened his eyes who were swollen, I was so worried right now and don't know what to do.

I held his forehead to check is temperature, he was so hold and I immediately held him a blanket and patted his forehead.

"Thankyou Jane.." he smiled at me, "Hey, you need to eat, you haven't eaten yet." I said worriedly and he really don't want to eat but I just forced him.

"Please.. your mom gonna kill me if you went skinny." I tried my best to say something so he will eat. "Okay.." he respond and slowly standing up to sit and I helped him to stand up.

I tried to feed him but he was shy but I forced him because he was really clumsy right now.

"It's okay, I can feed my self.. you should sleep now." He keep saying but I ignored his word and keep feeding him, he has no choice to give up and let me feed him.

After I fed him with the medicine I grabbed a handkerchief with hot water on it and put it in his forehead to rest him up and lost him sleep.

He closed his eyes slowly and rest peacefully, I turned the light off too and tried to go now and take a review for my exams.

But he held my hands unexpectedly and I looked at him, he was looking at me with swollen eyes.

"Don't leave me.." he demanded and I really don't know what to say nor to do. "W-why?" I asked him worriedly.

"I'm scared, I wanna hug someone..." he said in trembling voice and my heart felt touched and don't know what to do. "You can hug the pillow like you did before.." I said and let my hand go.

"I want a person.. not a damn thing." He literally held my hand again and I was so shocked and my heart was beating so fast. "I want you.." he added and slowly pulling me to him.

"Please.." he said with watery eyes, I don't know why he was crying, is he really crying? Why? Is he really scared when he's sick? Specially his mom is not here.

And I have no choice to lay beside him, and he held his arm to my waist and hugged me tightly.

"Good girl..."

A/N: I don't know but when I'm writing this, I'm blushing🤪

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