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The ice cream~

Jane's POV

It was Saturday in the morning as I woke up with a big smile, as my favorite weekend, no class at all and free everywhere. But unexpectedly someone was madly knocking my door right now, I don't even know what the hell?

"YAHHH JANEEE WAKE UPPP!!!" A manly voice  shouted in front of my door while knocking. "CAN YOU PLEASE KNOCK GENTLY? MY DOOR MIGHT BREAK!" I shouted back and I hope this Saturday is not the cleaning day cause I'm lazy.

"THEN OPEN THE DOOR!!" He shouted and I stood up and unlocked it, I was literally sleepy and he ruined my smile. "Wow nice pants.." He teased and chuckled while I was wearing a hello kitty pants...

"Go get dress up, we're going somewhere with our mom.." he demanded me and I was shocked, I thought I will clean the whole house again. "What time?" I asked him and he looked at his watch and told me '1:00pm'

"What? haha okay well it still early, I might get dress up at 11:00am.." I chuckled because it's still early and I still have time to play games whatever I want, and I heard him laughing unexpectedly.

"Well yeah, it's almost 11 so get dress up!" He laughed and I was so confused, I grabbed his wrist to see his watch and I saw it was already 10:57am. Damn I slept so long.

"Why didn't you tell?" I said suprisely as I was freaking out while he was laughing hard, I slap his shoulders and shut the door.

My face went like serious as my mom was shouting here too asking me to get hurried because I'm the only one who left to get ready.

I'm literally like the flash from the movie who took a bath so fast and get ready so fast, my hands were trembling because I'm afraid they might leave me because I'm so clumsy.

I literally had no time to pick a clothes so I just picked the one who I saw first in my cabinet. I wore all black right now.

"I'm coming!!" I shouted from the downstairs as I was walking through them and still jungkook was laughing at me for what I did, I once again slapped his shoulders while his mom was not looking.

"Get in the car, kids!!" Mrs. jeon demanded us, as me and jungkook sated in the back while my mom was in the front, I couldn't believe jungkook's mom can drive too.

Time has passed~

We're at the mall now as we gone shopping and eating around, me and jungkook who was just eating ice cream while our mom was busy buying clothes and makeups.

"What flavor is that?" Jungkook pointed my ice cream while licking his own ice cream "Strawberry.."
I said and I continued licking my ice cream then jungkook was staring at me suspiciously.

"What?" I asked him then he looked away, "what the hell wrong with him?" I asked my self.

"Can I taste your ice cream?" He asked me childishly, I was susprise that he said that. "Why?" I asked him,

"I wanna taste you—" he didn't even continued the word but he burst into laugh.

I don't even know if he was laughing or blushing...

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