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5 years later~

I'm so happy that I finally achieved my dream, my mom was so happy for me and supporting me all day.

Im a officially one of the musician here in seoul but I'm not that famous yet, but still thanks to my friend Julie She helped me alot and she's my manager.

"Jane!!! Come here you brat WE HAVE A FUCKING GOOD NEWS!!" Julie ran towards me while I'm having my workout routine.

"What the hell?" I stopped what I am doing and Julie showed something to me that made me lighten my mood.

"SOMEONE JUST RECRUITED YOU FROM THE TALENT AGENCY, THEY SAW ALL YOUR VIDEOS AND EMAILED US!" Julie literally can't breathe because she's too happy for me and excited to leave here.

"OH MY-" i took a heavy deep breathe and relaxed a little. "What would you like to say?" Julie asked me and I slapped his tights. "Ofcourse I loved too, WE LOVED TOO!!" I shouted and I literally screamed on my damn room.

2 days later~

I was getting ready to go to the company that recruited me, but I'm so nervous because Ofcourse many successful artist are there too and I can't wait to sign a contract with them.

I wore a nice outfit, not much revealing just a plain white huge long.
The company was located to the Gangnam and I'm ready to go for it. I left my apartment here and called an taxi to go there. Julie was not avail to come with me because she have important business to make.

Once I arrived, the company was so big I didn't expect this, the building is so tall and I swear this is one of the big company here in Korea. I'm so lucky that they just recruited me without any audition.

I walked through the entrance hall and there's two security and asked me something.

"How May I help you maam?" The first security guard asked me and I showed to them the invitation messege. But luckily someone arrived and told the security guard to let me in.

"Miss Choi Jane? Is that you?" A beautiful woman came to me and smiled. "Yes I am." I smiled back and she offered a shake hands with me then I accepted it.

"Come with me, I'm mrs. Kim and I'm the co agency." She said and I just followed her.

We entered the elevator and I saw her that she clicked the 7th floor. And I was literally a damn nervous dog right now.

"So when did you started doing those things?" She asked me and her voice was so strick. "Actually I've been dreaming this all the time and I've been working hard to achieve it." I tried my best to make my voice clear.

"Wow, you are gonna be fit here, many artist did the same the way you did." She was amazed to my words and I smiled.

Once we arrived, I saw many staffs and there's an side door and I think it's the office room where the CEO is.

Mrs. Kim knocked to the door and opened it, she bowed to the CEO and I did the same.

"Choi Jane? Welcome!!" A kind man stood up and greeted me, I swear this ceo is kind as he looks like.

"Thank you for inviting me to join you!!" I bowed and smiled.

"Mrs.kim you ay leave us for a second.." the ceo demanded her and she nodded and left a few seconds. "You May sit here!" He offers me a sit and I immediately sat to the chair his talking about.

"I'm glad that you're here, because I was honesty amazed by your dancing skills and your tracks!" He chuckled and I smiled at him.

Then later on, I gave to him my papers then he assigned me a contract the most that I've been waiting for.

"You May sign here! As the contract." He pointed and I signed it immediately. "Thank you!" I thanked him and bowed to him too.

"And also, I offer you a dorm in the 9th floor, room #8, there are artists here too and you're always welcome. Tomorrow I will announce this!" He said to m and I was happy and shocked at the same time.

"Thank you a much!" I bowed to him for a one more time. "I asked the staffs to help you to move here as you're new living, many artists have their own dorms here too and you're always free to make friends with the other artists." He explained and I smiled.

After that, I finally left the office and decided to check my dorm in the 9th floor. I took the elevator and clicked the 9th floor and waiting to arrived.

Once I arrived, I was shocked because there's so many rooms and I was looking around to find the room #8.

"1..2..3..5.." I was finding the number 8 and I think it's still there in the end.

While walking and passing the doors, Someone just came out in the room 7 and I think this is an artist.

He was messy hair,tall,wearing a gray sweater, and fixing his hair while walking, he has airpods in his both pair of ears, he was so handsome. his jawline was so sharp in a side view and seeing his mascular body shape.

My world just stopped when I saw him, my chest started to aches, my eyes couldn't blink...

He noticed me and I accidentally just dropped my bag because I stated him.

He widened his eyes and trying to recognize me. But I think he will fail because I changed a lot.



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