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It's finally end of the class and I'm walking through my home but I think this first day of class seems not bad at all because I met jungkook, not like last year is so so terrible.


It was first day of school and I'm so happy because I'm so excited to go school and make friends then I met ayeesha.

"Hm Hey?" I waved at her and smiled fully. "H-hey?" She replied confusely.

"Let's be friends, I'm new here!" I said to her and smiled again. "Yuck? I don't want to make friends with ugly girls so get away from me." She rolled her eyes on me and hit my shoulders and then left me like a garbage, but I'm totally a garbage.


That day was really heart breaking, I was just asking for a friend but because I'm ugly they don't want me. since then my world became upside down, darkness. as they started bullying me,hating me, hurting me like I'm not people like them too. They are heartless.

And starting today since ayeesha said that to me I really hate that girl too and now she is flirting jungkook? What a playgirl. Well last year I think she had 19 boyfriends before the school year ends.

Well me, I thought my self not having a boyfriend just focus first in my school until I achieve my dreams, really people nowadays don't care about school anymore they are just focusing on having a bf/gf well they don't think about their family's sacrifice for them to pay tuition to school and feed them but they are just doing some ugly stuffs.

I'm not like that.

I'm good girl.

Jungkook's POV

My mom and dad seems really busy I don't even know why, they are packing our stuffs I don't even know where are we going. Are we leaving in the house?

Well this house is nice I don't want to leave this house yet.

"Mom where are we going?" I asked my mom but she is just ignoring my word and continuing what she is doing.

"Just wait kookie." She said and I nodded and sat in the big couch with my phone in my hand but suddenly I just think about her I don't even know why tho.


"Dad do you know where are we going?" I saw my dad passing me by. "Hmm?" He hummed.

"Where are we going? Why mom is packing up all our things?" I asked. "Well I think your mom and you need to go and live somewhere." He said and I was so shocked.

"Wait W-What? What about you?" I asked him worried. "Well I'm staying here, but don't worry you can still visit our house." He said and say beside me. "Your mom just have important issue and she need to leave busan with you and come to Seoul and also your school is in Seoul too right?" He added.

"Hm yeah Seoul seems pretty nice too when I first visit to there with bun." I said and nodded. "Well how's school?" He asked.

"It's nice though." I said and I immediately thinked about jane but I didn't mention her.

"I'll be driving you and your mom to Seoul." My dad smiled.

"So let's go, I think you're mom is done." My dad said.

Time has passed~

Jane's POV

Once I arrived at home I was shocked why my seems so busy, and she cooked alot of foods and our house was so clean.

"M-mom what's going on?" I asked her so confusely. "Oh dear, you're here help me out." My mom said, seems she is stressed so i immediately threw my bag on the couch and help her.

"Mom what's going on?" I asked her worried. "We have guess okay?" She said and smiled. "I'll explain later, I must dress up jane they are coming in so dirty, and can you do me a favor?" She added. "Keep a watch in here okay?" She said and I nodded.

Time has passed~

I was just siting in the couch while waiting my mom to be here.

"JANE YOU BETTER GET DRESS TOO!!" My mom shouted from here, I don't even know what's going on. Are they special guess?

And I immediately walk through my room and I immediately saw my mom I was shocked.

"Mom you look pretty." I smiled and look at her from the top and bottom, I hope I was pretty like my mom. Well my mom was a beauty pageant and won a lot of crowns.

"Ofcourse, you are pretty too so you better get dress now." She demanded.

So I entered my room and picked a nice clothes, then I immediately go to my bathroom to take a fresh shower after that when I'm done I immediately wore my clothes and took a little lipgloss and a foundation.

"JANE THEY ARE HERE COME HURRY UP, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU!!" My mom was shouting literally shouting.

"COMING!!" I shouted too.

I immediately come outside and I'm about to get down to the stairs but when I saw the visitors I was so shocked.

"Jane, this is mr,mrs jeon. And their son Jungkook."

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