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I'm super shock and shy because of our guesses, I didn't expect this like everyone saying 'expect the unexpected' but I really can't believe it, like what?

"Jane, you may greet them." My mom demanded me and I started to tremble and my voice becomes to break because I was so nervous.

"H-hello, mr and mrs jeon." I bowed on them and they did the same. "A-And J-jungkook." I bowed to him too and I'm literally blushing I don't know why but I'm really shy.

"Your daughter is so pretty marissa," mrs, jeon said and I don't believe it While my mom just nodded and I looked at jungkook he was smiling too but I looked back when he seen me.

A few minutes I noticed that they are carrying a lot of things and it is in suitcase, then after that we decided to eat now on the long table we had, and my mom and jungkook's parents were discussing while me I'm eavesdropping them.

"It's okay, we still have two empty rooms here." My mom said and I was so shocked, are they living here now?

"M-mom I—" My mom didn't let me continue what I am saying, "dear, you know me and jungkook's mom are bestfriends since childhood, we growth together." My mom said and smiled at me while I do the same.

And I looked at jungkook while wondering what the hell he is thinking now.

"Hopefully our child will be friends too, well I liked your daughter." Mrs. Jeon said and everyone looked at me, I'm really burning here and I don't know what to do now as I don't want people seeming my face.

"Yeah i agree that." My mom said.

So after we ate my mom decided to tour them on our house and they nodded in excitement while me I'm shaking here and just can't believe it.

And started walking and my mom was the leading.

"Let's start with the living room." My mom said and she lead us through there.

"Here it is."

Then jungkook's parent were amazed and looking around while jungkook did the same too

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Then jungkook's parent were amazed and looking around while jungkook did the same too.

"So let's go to the upstairs." My mom said and lead the way again.

While walking to the stairs and I'm beside jungkook but we acted like we never met before but he keep looking at me and I keep looking back because I'm shy.

"Let me show you jane's room." My mom smiled then she opening my door while me I immediately stopped her because I didn't clean my room yet.

"Mom.." I hold her wrist and whispered but she ignored me and keep trying to open the door. "Mom.." I whispered again but she ignored it and I have no choice but let my mom.

I can't look at them while I stepped back and I face palm.

"Her bed is really messy like there's pillows everywhere and she like dark rooms with lights on the sides

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"Her bed is really messy like there's pillows everywhere and she like dark rooms with lights on the sides." My mom said and she is really embarrassing me while they are laughing a little.

"Well jungkook is a messy head too and he likes dark room." Mrs. Jeon said and I looked at him and it seems he was embarrassed too.

"And also Jane had a next door so it would be jungkook's room if it is okay." My mom said and I'm totally shocked and I know this is would be happen.

So we started unlocking the door in my next room and show them.

"So this is all we had and he'll the one who will decide where he will put his stuffs and design his room

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"So this is all we had and he'll the one who will decide where he will put his stuffs and design his room." My mom explain it and they nodded.

"Mom so where mrs. Jeon will sleep?" I asked worried and they looked at me. "In my next door too." My mom laughed and I scratched my head and smiled.

Time has passed~

Jungkook's father already left and jungkook was in his room and I think he is fixing his stuffs and my mom and her mom were in the downstairs and talking so decided to eavesdrop them again.

"Thank you so much for your help my friend, I really appreciate it for letting us live in your home and talking care of my important issues." Mrs.jeon said and hugged my mom.

It's so sweet both of them honestly like their friendship last so long, hope all.

"But don't worry I will still help in the houseworks, well my son started studying in Seoul international school." Mrs. Jeon said which is I know already because he is my classmate.

"Huh? My daughter too, she studied there well I hope they come in the same class." My mom and laughed.

Then my mom noticed me and I tried to walk away but my mom caught me already.

"Jane, What are you doing here? Go help jungkook put his stuffs on the right place." My mom and I nodded but I'm shy.

So I'm at the front of his door and I'm about to knock but suddenly he opened it.

He's my next door || 𝗷𝗸 𝗳𝗳  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now