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So dumb

I saw jungkook was in my side already and he's holding Ayeesha's wrist that trying to slap me, I looked at him he was on a mad stare to them.

"I think you don't know how to mark my words well.." Jungkook spoke and and he let go her wrist. "J-jungkook." Ayeesha murmur his name in shockness.

"Hmm? So dumb right?" Jungkook crossed his arms. "What I said on you yesterday? Did I said stay away from her?" He groan after that he looked at me worried because I was crying.

"Then, what the hell did you do to her?" He added and ayeesha can't speak up and her friends already left her because they're scared of Jungkook.

"I-i didn't even hurt her, i-i did nothing okay?" She said while trembling and she's already embarrassing herself in front of Jungkook, "Jungkook, I just want you to be okay? I'm just jealous of this ugly girl!" She said after that she gritted her teeths on me.

"You didn't really mark my words well ayeesha, I think you drop your brain.." he said and he chuckles, "I will say it again for you okay? Mark my words well today." He added and he holded her wrist while ayeesha was trembling in fear.

"Remember when you told to girls that they are ugly, look at the mirror first because it's all started with you dumb ass." He said and I don't even know he has this kind of attitude.

"And also i told you yesterday that you don't even have a chance to me even a zero, so please stay away from me too, I know that you want me only because I'm handsome right? And you want to gain attention to school because you have me, but I'm the man that you can't have, sorry for that hehe." He added and I wanna laugh so bad but I keep biting my lower lip to shut my mouth.

Then jungkook finally let her wrist go and ayeesha walked away and wiping her tears but her face were so mad at me, But luckily I feel safe right now because i with jungkook.

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you? Let me!" He held my shoulders and raised my chin. "I'm fine now, thankyou.." I thanked him and smiled, he also smiled and he held my hand and I let him lead the way to the classroom.

We didn't even eat because on what happen, we are late in class now, I hope our teacher won't be angry.

Time has passed~ (A/N: let's skip time:>)

After we studied, we are now walking through home together, I was happy that he take care of me and stayed in my side, I really hope that our friendship with last longer like our mom did.

"Heyy lets bake cookies when we reach home?" He demanded and smiled at me, " hmm sure?" I nodded and he jumped in excitement like a kid. He is still a baby but he really has the attitude that we don't want to see or the hot once.

"Why you look like a baby?" I asked him and laughed, "because I'm you're baby." He smiled and laughed, "huh? What?" I choke and pretended that i didn't hear because I was shocked but also in blushing.

"Nevermind Jane, But I cant wait to bake cookies, and also milk." He held his arms in my shoulders then he smiled. "I knew it this guy is still a baby." I whispered but I swear he didn't heard that because he wasn't looking at me and he's distracted by the dogs in the side and he was looking at them.

And finally we arrived at home in a few minutes and our mom was watching tv in the ceiling room, and we went there.

"Oh you both are here now, how's school?" My mom asked and pecked my forehead, "good." I replied then I looked at jungkook and his mom, they were so cute the way his mom taking care of his baby.


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