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What a lovely song~

Many times has passed and were in the car and it almost 8pm in the night. We're so exhausted and our feet is inching because we're walking in the mall like 1-2hours.

And today i don't know where we are heading now because the road was not the same as the road through my home. And jungkook was resting his head in my shoulders as he was sleeping.

"Mom where are we going?" I whispered and she took a glance to me saying, "in their house.."

I was confused at first but later on I realized that maybe in jungkook's home. But I'm still confused why we are going in there and that's so far, almost like 3-4hours driving?

And I decided to take a nap first because its still far away, but I took a glance to jungkook face first, seeing his beautiful eyelashes and his rosy lips. I don't know where the hell im a looking at.

Shit. I don't know but everytime I see jungkook's face in made me want to— just never mind.

After I took a glance to him I just decided to rest my head in the window.

Time has passed~

I heard someone was patting my shoulders and I slowly opening my eyes and I saw jungkook was waking me up.

"Yahh wake up!!" He keep patting my shoulders and I was confused at first again but realizing maybe where here now.

I stood up in the car and I saw a nice beautiful modern house, I was amazed but confused because why did jungkook moved in our home but have a nice house here.

Then jungkook held my hand unexpectedly and pulled me.

"Yah where are you taking me?" I asked him but my voice was kinda cracked. "Lets go inside.." He demanded as he was excited to tour me in his house.

When we are first arrived in the living room, the light was so beautiful and every corner is so clean also there was a big couch and a big tv almost like a tv in the cinema.

Then he pulled me again as I was not done looking around but he pulled me through the stairs.

"Yah what's wrong with you?" I asked him but he was just giggling around and ignoring my word, while he was busy doing what he what.

It was exhausting running in upstairs as The stairs was so long then jungkook looked at me unexpectedly.

"Do you want to check my room?" He asked excitedly and I just nodded quickly and he held my hand again and leading his way.

He opened the door and luckily the door was not locked, I saw his king-sized bed and his room was filled with dark themes and a lot of instruments in the corner.

"Yah why didn't you tell me you're rich?" I asked him and hit his shoulders playfully. "I'm not." He laughed, "then what the hell is this?" I said while I'm still looking around, his room was so huge.

Then jungkook walked over the piano and he sat, he looked at me like he what me to come over then I came and watch him play.

"You play piano?" I asked him and he nodded while he was playing random chords.

"Come sit with me." He demanded me and I just nodded and sat beside him.

He started to play while I'm watching his fingers running in the piano, the one he played was so nice and beautiful in my ears until i got confused and thinked because the song was familiar to me.

I just heard this before in his room.

"I hear the far-away ocean.." he started singing and I was right, he sang this before when I was about knock on his door.

"Across the dream, over the horizon..." his voice was so angelic.

"I'm going to the place that's getting clearer.." he looked at me and smiled.

"Take my hands now..."

"You are the cause of my euphoria..." he ended right there and smiled at me.

He pecked my lips unexpectedly..

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