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Im right by your side always

So after we took our breakfast me and jungkook came to school together by walking on the streets and a few conversations to him while walking.

"Are they really bullying you several times?" He asked me and looked at me. "Yeah, I don't even know why, like really why they need to bully me I don't know what's wrong with me." I said and looked at him too.

"Don't worry starting today you won't get bully anymore.." He mark this words and I just nodded.

Then a few minutes has passed we already arrived at school and we came in the hallways to check our lockers, then alot of girls there we're smirking and looking at jungkook like a kind of celebrity.

Many girls were whispering over and over and can't stop looking at jungkook.

"He's so handsome.."

"Damn I hope he is single..."

"I wanna be with him.."

"Why the ugly girl is so near to jungkook."

"Are they close?"


They were whispering over us that's why I back off a little from him because we are so close together and I'm afraid. and after he is done with his locker, he looked at me worried then he hold my wrist gently and pulled me to walk over to come in our first class.

The girls and boys around us were shocked like their mouth stayed in circle shape until we disappeared in their view.

"Don't mind them.." he said with his voice were so deep and the way he talked to me was different today it was so hot and I think he get upset too earlier.

So we are in the class and we sat in our chairs together but he is still not letting my hand go yet as his hands were still in my wrist.

"Hmm.. j-jungkook?" I kinda whispered his name and I looked at my hands and he looked at me too and realizing he's still holding my hand.

"Ohhhhhh wait, I'm sorry.." he smiled in embarrassment and laughed in blushed, "it's ok.." I laughed a little too because I can't hold his cuteness when he get embarrassed, he is literally different.

"He is a damn cute bunny when he get embarrassed."

And a few seconds our teacher arrived and he gave as a suprise quiz as I didn't review because I didn't know, it's a SUPRISE!

I tried to recover the lessons yesterday with my mind but my mind doesn't work, it's so useless. Well I guess I need to use my stock knowledge for now.


I was so stressed in this damn math why the hell math has so many problems and x to solve. dear math, just moved on in your x and problems so I won't get stress lol.

"Hey why are you not answering?" Jungkook  whispered and looked at me. "Well I don't know answers." I whispered.

"Here!" He showed me his answers with the solution and I was amazed, "thank you Kookie!" I said and I want to burst into laugh because I called him Kookie, after that he looked at me so serious.

"Don't call me kookie!" He demanded and hit my shoulders playfully.

Time has passed~~

It was break time as our class just ended and I was waiting for jungkook to come out as he said he need to go on the bathroom and I was waiting him in the outside and I was in the wall and resting my head in there.m while looking around.

Then I saw the campus girls that I hate were walking through me, not this again.... they don't really giving up.

"Hey hoodie girl!" She came in my front with her other mean friends, as I didn't spoke up because I sick of it in her words.

"Why don't you greet me too?" She teased and yerin and anne were laughing, their laugh was so annoying and it broken my ear.

"Why don't you greet the prettiest girl in this school huh?" She added and she put her hands in the wall and locked me out, while yerin and Anne were just crossed arms.

"Well you know? Jungkook is only mine, don't you try to get near to my future boyfriend!" She gritted her teeths and want to slap me so hard. "Or else I will do again what I did to you last year." She added  which is I remembered again the I don't want to remember.

That day, I was so hurt really hurt and I just can't tell to anybody because they will just hurt me more, the day I almost passed away and give up everything.

Then a little tears escaped in my eyes again, while I was looking directly to Ayeesha's evil eyes as I remembered all the thing she did to me but never gets karma, because I was so unlucky.

"This is all you got? When I get near to you, you always crying ugly bitch!" She groan and she was ready to slap me but suddenly someone stopped her.


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