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Are you worried?

Me and Julie are in the cafe now and taking our orders, she literally treated me and she's so kind, we talked a lot about our lifes on how we doing.

It's already 7:34pm but we are still in the cafe and having a good time.

"Hey, earlier why didn't you answer my question?" She raised an eyebrow to me and I'm confused, "what question?" I raised an eyebrow too and she slapped my shoulders playfully.

"Woahh dont you try change the topic!" He chuckled, "what? I don't understand what is your question?" I asked and I really have no idea what the hell she is talking about.

"The one when we are walking in the streets earlier then I asked you something.." she rolled her eyes and drank her coffee.

Then I immediately remembered that.

"Ahhhhh.." I nodded and I took my cup, "so Hmm?" She teased and crossed his arms. "Oh come on Julie, we're just friends.." I smiled at her and she won't believe me and keep teasing me to him.

"I don't believe you, because earlier when we are in the school jungkook was staring so bad at me like he want to kill me.." she said and sip her coffee again. "Like I think he's jealous because we're hanging out and afraid if I did something to you." She added and I choked.

"What?" My eyes widened and looked at her, " why he's jealous? There's nothing between us.." I laughed and she looked at me. "Maybe he liked you?" She teased and hit my shoulders playfully.

"Why would He like a ugly girl like me?" I laughed a little and she hit my shoulder, "YAHH WHAT IS THAT?" I shouted to her because she hitted me hard.

"What did you say?" She stared at me and I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I looked confused and she held my hand.

"JANE!! DONT YOU SAY YOURE UGLY, WHAT THE HELL? YOUR FUCKING BEAUTIFUL!!" She shouted and I looked around if someone heard her.

"What the hell? Why you are shouting?" I whispered and hit her shoulders gently. "Because you said is wrong!!" She said and rolled her eyes.

Why everyone saying that I'm attractive even not? I really don't understand why, or they are just saying that I'm beautiful so I won't get hurt?

Then a few minutes my phone rang and I took a look to my phone also Julie looked.

"Who's that?" She asked me, " I don't know.." I replied.

It was an unknown number and texted me unexpectedly, I opened my phone and bring it to the messages.

"Unknown number: you should go home now...."

I looked at the time and it's already 8:04pm and it remains me that jungkook is the one who texted me, then I replied him back.

"Jungkook? How did you get my number?"

I asked him through chat then Julie looked at me suspicious and asked me who was that then I said it was jungkook.

"Ohh now, explain it? Why he looked worried?" She teased and pointed my phone and I looked at her. "Because he's my bestfriend.." I said and she choked.

"More than friends?" She teased. "Shut up!!" I laughed and she looked at me and pinched my cheeks. "Look, you're blushing.." she teased and I ignored her because my phone beeped again and Julie stopped pinching my cheeks and our eyes are in the phone.

"Unknown number: your mom gave me your number, so go home now!!"

I smiled because I don't know why I am smiling.

"So what is this? Jane blushing?" She teased but I ignored her, "so let's go home?" She added and I nodded.

"Can you go home alone or you need me to walk you home?" She asked and I just nodded. " I can go home alone, I'm big enough." I said and she laughed.

"But jungkook said I will get you home and you can't go home alone because you're still a baby..." she pinched my cheeks and removed it.

"Shut up!!!"

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