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The banana milk~

I'm at school today taking my exam while jungkook was still resting at home, I really didn't review at all but it seems the exam was easy. Except math.

But still I'm not feeling well today because I'm not with jungkook, like there is no one to protect me if someone tries to hit me up. But it's okay tho,

Cause well I need to train my self alone because everyone leaves and no one will stay.

While taking the exam my mind keep recovering on what happen between me and jungkook, I felt shit. The way he hugs me, seeing his beautiful eyelashes and his baby face and his voice the way he talks.

"Good girl..." ARGHHHHHHH STOPP!!

His voice sound like dangerous ft. Cute, I don't know but the way he whispered on me like he is killing me, how? He's such a faller plus he stoled my first kiss.

But I stoled his first kiss too but he's the one who loved first not me, I just kissed him back.

"Miss Choi? Is there something wrong with the exam?" Professor jay snapped me in my daydream and everyone looked at me, I felt embarrassed and I apologized to him and acted like nothing happened.

"Pssst Jane!" Someone was whispering in my back and I nodded, "where's jungkook?" Julie asked curiously while our head are down.

"Well he's sick, he can't go to class like this.." I answered her question while she nodded and I came back answering my test paper.

Time has passed~

After school, I went to the grocery store to buy snacks and jungkook asked me to buy him some banana milk, so buy him.

Then when I reached the counter I immediately payed everything I brought and go.

While walking through home and I'm like 6-7 meters away from my house, I saw mrs, jeon's car and it remains me that they might be here now. So I ran quickly through my house.

And when I arrived I saw many packages and it made me curious, I saw them taking the packages to the stock room and I saw jungkook too.

It seems like jungkook is not sick anymore as he moved and grabbed the big packages so fast, it made me curious because he said he's still sick before I go to school earlier.

He seen me and he literally stopped moving and I think he is literally lying right now.

"How's school?" He asked me and walked in front of me. "We need to talk!" I demanded because the way he walk and talk today it's seems like he is not sick at all.

"About what?" He asked confusely, "about you!" I said and I pulled his shirt and I walk over to the empty room.

"What is wro-" he said but I didn't let him continue is word, "are you sick or no?" I asked him and he was shocked and didn't spoke. "I repeat!" I added.

"Okay,okay easy!!" He giggles and I crossed my arm, " last night, I wasn't sick anymore but you keep acting me like a baby then I acted like a sick child last night and today..." he confess and chuckled, I was so shocked to hear that. So that's why he was smirking last night when I slept with him.

"So don't tell me you were acting scared too last night?" I was literally waiting for his answer and he just licked his lower lip. "Hmmm..." He smirk.

"Maybe?" He smirk again and I slap his shoulders, "you brat!!!" I said towards him and he keep laughing. "Well I just tested you last night if you will agree to sleep with me, lol then I made you agreed." He said and I was literally annoyed.

"I literally buy you a banana milk because you're sick and then... Aisshh!" I rolled my eyes, "banana milk? Where?" He asked me and his eyes expectedly widened, I was shocked why his personality just changed so fast when I mentioned banana milk.

"In my bag, I went to the store to buy you banana milk," I teased, "where is it? Give me!" He held my shoulders. "No, because you lied to me!" I teased and I walk over.

"Janeeee!!!" He shouted and it made me nodded, "banana milk!" He keep asking me to give him a banana milk, "no!" I said, "this is your punishment because you lied." I smirk.

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