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Let's be friends..

"Hey don't play with your food that's bad!" Jungkook said to me while I'm still shocked on what happen. "Hey, what happen to those girls?" I asked him and I really wanted his answer.

"Nothing.." he looked at me, "tell me! Did you scared them?" I asked him seriously looking at his eyes as I can't wait for his answer.


"You know, starting today if someone trying to hurt you nor bully you call me instead Jane, I'm here okay?" He said worried and patted my back, while I'm holding my tears because I'm glad I met him and it's really my first time having a friend like him.

"T-thank you jungkook, I'm glad that I met you." I looked down and smiled. "So you should continue eating okay? Don't play with your foods!" He demanded and chuckles a few.

"Friends?" He added which is that the word I wanna hear all day with people not being so harm to me and I'm really happy that I have finally a friend and I hope we will last together.

"Ofcourse!" I said proudly and looked at him so happily and I can see he's face was happy too.

Bell rings*
Class starts~


So I'm here in my next class which is the science and it's kinda I like it because it's all about experiments and I hope jungkook will be here too.

As we are in the long table standing side by side and our teacher we're discussing what we are gonna do and we are already wearing some protection clothes to keep us safe for the chemicals.

And the ingredients and some bottles were in the table already and it's invidual nor group, but I decided to be invidual.

Then finally I saw jungkook and I waved at him while he waved back to me, but I saw some girls that unlighten my mood, it was the campus girl group who were trying to flirt jungkook.

These girls are really not giving up.

"Ayeesha,Anne, yerin And jungkook, you're the same group." Our teacher demanded and it makes me sad as I cannot focus to my works and I keep looking at them.

Jungkook's POV

These girls are over to me, why don't they focus on their works why they need to flirt me first? Well I don't like them, they are not my type. They are such a bitch.

"Jungkook?" Ayeesha sounded moaned my name. Like really moaned my name, what the-

"Hm?" I just hummed while my patience is still here before these girls know my true attitude.

"How can I work this?" She whispered in my ear and I back off because I don't like it, "first you need to grab some salt and put it in the container." I demanded but she didn't not do what I say she just looking at me that she want to f*ck up.

I'm really done to this girls, I looked at Jane as she was so focused in her works that it made me smile.

"Why you are smiling over that ugly girl?" Ayeesha just spoke and made an disgusted look and I was so angry by her words. "why don't you just smile with me or be with me Well I'm very popular here and every boy wants me." She added and I want to choke her right now.

"Well so I'm Different among boys in here.." I whispered and I crossed my both arms, "what do you mean?" She asked curiously, raising her eyebrows.

"Well first of all if you're saying ugly to people just Keep your words dear because it's all started with you." I groan and I stare madly to her and she was so shocked.

"Marks my words okay?" I looked around if somebody looking at us before i held her wrist tightly,  "First don't you ever try to get near to Jane, second stop all your plans to her, third she is just an innocent girl who wants to study, fourth stop flirting me or else you will regret what I'm gonna do to you, you know I'm new here right? But you don't know my fully attitude so get away from me, you don't even have a chance to me even a zero." I finally let go her wrist and I gritted my teeths to her.

She was so shocked as I can see her face also her other friends face and I saw Jane she was looking at me suspicious and I just smiled at her showing my teeths so she won't be worry.

Jane's POV

I don't know what the hell happening to them as I can see jungkook holds Ayeesha's wrist and I think that was so tight because of Ayeesha's reaction, and I can see to jungkook face were turned into hot one, I never knew he has the attitude when it comes to them. As I can see also jungkook was speaking but I can't hear because I'm little far away from him.

and later on he just smiled at me so consciously,he was so cute but he has the attitude to act hot too.

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