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Protective bestfriend~

Jane's POV

At the hallway~ (school)

I was walking to the hallway without jungkook because he have something important to do with our teacher, like kinda help or something but he will comeback at the before class and the good news is the bullies are not here anymore I don't know where are they.

But I heard someone is crying in the near girl's bathroom, then I quickly went there to find out what's going on. when I arrived i saw a few boys  hurting an innocent girl, then i remembered when I used to be like that too and no one helped me. Just one.

But I want to help that girl because I understand how hurt is it. I run towards her and pushed the boys who was hurting her and I looked at the girl's face.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she was breathing so fast, then I nodded and I hold her hand. "Oh hoodie girl? You want to taste the hurt too huh?" The one boy smirked and he rubbed his hands over his pants. "You want too don't you?" The other one said then I looked at them with no fear at all.

Then the girl started to cry again, "please don't cry don't worry!" I patted her shoulders then the boys were slowly coming to us while my body started to trembling in fear.

But suddenly jungkook came and pulled the boys in the back of their shirts.

"I think you don't know me yet, but let me introduce you my self," Jungkook smirked then the boys were confused and looking each other. "I'm jeon jungkook and you better run away if you hurt my girl." He gritted his teeths and my eyes were widened in shocked of his words.

"My girl?!" I murmurs then I keep repeating that word in my head.

"My girl? Who the hell are you talking about?" The one boy said in confused while jungkook looked at me then the boys followed jungkook eyes.

"Jane??!" The boy was shocked, " Hmm so?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow and the boys just laughed.

"Ugly girl.." he whispered then jungkook got mad then the boy who said that jungkook pinned him in the wall and I back off and I hold the girls hand.

"I told you, you don't know me yet.." he gave him a warning. "I-I'm sorry please let me go?" The boy was trembling in fear and jungkook finally let him go and they ran away.

And after that he looked at me if I am okay and smiled and he came to me and hold my shoulders.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked, "Well they about to hurt me but you came, I was just helping this girl because she's the one who got hurt." I explain and he nodded and patted my head.

"Hey btw what's your name?" I asked the girl then she was so shy to speak like me. "I-I'm julie, thank you for saving me.." he smiled while she's still shaking.

"I'm Jane and this is jungkook.." I introduced our self and she nodded and smiled. "Are you new here?" I asked her and she nodded.

"We can be friends.." I asked her and I wish she will agree, "sure.." she smiled then jungkook smiled too.

"You two must be careful okay?" He demanded us and we nodded. "Btw j-Jane? Is jungkook is your boyfriend?" She asked while pointing him and jungkook got shocked while me also.

"No, we're just friends.." I said and smiled at her and she nodded. "Well once again, thank you guys, I will be late in my class.." she said and she finally left and waved at us.

And also us we came in our class too.

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