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Is he mad at me?


I was so late because the bus didn't arrived as there is no bus left and I walked through home, hopefully my mom will not get worried about me for going home late at night.

Once I arrived at home i saw the light in our garage is off and I think they are sleeping now but I rang the bell and no one answered nor no one opened, I got so worried wondering no one will open the gate and I rang for the second time and I heard footsteps and the lights turned on.

Someone unlocking the gate without speaking at me and I kinda think it's my mom because when I came late at home she's always like this.

"Mom.. I'm sorry I came late please don't hit my butt by your slippers.." I murmur and I heard a giggling and suddenly the gate is opened and I saw jungkook staring at me holding his laugh I was so shocked I didn't expect he will open the door for me.

"What did I told you?" He said worriedly while he's still in my front and covering the gate's door, I took a deep breath and looked somewhere and pretended I didn't hear.

"Your mom was worried.." he added then he finally let me in and he locked the gate again while I was still looking around pretending nothing happen because I don't know what to say.

Once I came in the living room I looked for my mom and I saw her watching tv with jungkook's mom. I sat beside her and she saw me.

"Why you're late? Jungkook told you to go home at eight?" She said worriedly, "well there's no bus at all then I walked through home hehe.." I giggled while I held her hands.

"Jane, I told you dont walk through home at night you might get hurt, why didn't you told to jungkook? So jungkook will be there and guide you." My mom said worriedly and I don't know what to say as I freezed in my spot then I looked around and I saw jungkook was listening to our conversation.

Then he immediately left when my eyes went to him and he came to upstairs, I don't know why he's like this right now. Is he mad at me?

Then I went to my room as in the upstairs too, I unlocked my room and put my bad in the corner and layed on my bed, damn is he mad at me?

Shit why I am worried about him?


Fuck...I immediately grabbed my phone and go to the messages and I read again the one jungkook said on me and I want to text him if he's fine,mad or what. I just want to know if I made him mad? But earlier he giggled when I thought my mom was the one who's opening the gate? Lol?

What should I say to him? Should I text him? Should I knock on his door? Shit.

"Jungkook how are you?" I typed and thinking so hard if I will send it, then I deleted it and thinking again.

"Are you mad at me?" I typed again and thinking of I will send it and my phone felt on my face it was so hurts then I stood up and I looked.

Fuck I accidentally send it, it says delivered. I tried to unsend it but I don't know why I am so late as he already saw it and I threw my phone In nervous.

Phone rangs*


Well I can't handle my self as I grabbed my phone and looked what he said.

"I'm not mad at you, I was just worried because you came late and thinking if you're okay."

"And when I heard the bell rangs, I was begging that I hope it was you.."

He's my next door || 𝗷𝗸 𝗳𝗳  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now