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Jane's POV

"Oh Jane, I'm glad we're the same room." Jungkook whispered while our others classmate are introducing their selves.

"Jane, you're next!" Mr. Kim demanded and I immediately stood up in tremble and went to the front of the class while jungkook was staring at me like he wants to know me more while others are just like they are disgusted to me.

"My name is Choi Jane, you can call me Jane, and I'm 17, I live in seoul, I love to draw,dance and also playing piano and write my own songs too." I tried my best not to be nervous and shaky voice in the front. And I looked back to jungkook and it's seems he was impressed.

While the others we're whispering about me.

"I think she just copied what jeon Jungkook said." The girl in the front said. "Yeah I think." The one girl said.

I know this would be happen as I'm just being my self and I'm not even lying what I said. As I came back to my sit and I feel so Terrified.

"Wow, thank you Jane!" Mr. Kim greeted me. "So let's start our discussion for today." He added.

While I was sleepy to the class because it's so boring as I was writing what Mr. Kim saying about math. Math is really hard, I hate math!

"Hey, you okay?" Jungkook made me to turn around to him and I looked confused. "Hm?" I hummed and turn my face down to the notebook again.

"You look disappointment, and I heard what our classmate said. And it's okay Jane I understand and I'm glad we're the same vibes!" He smiled unexpected.

The only one I wanna say is why he is so kind and always understands me not other boys nor girls, He is so different but I hope he wouldn't change and not getting affected to other boys who are playboy and many more.

Mostly girls, well he is handsome and I know already what is gonna be happen, Ofcourse they will flirt him until he will agree and girls in here are not really giving up for boys.

"Jane, are you listening? Or just staring at the window?" Mr. Kim snapped me on my day dreaming and I was so shocked and getting tremble again.

"S-sorry." I stood up and immediately apologized to him, then he continued the discussion.

The bell rings*
Break time~

At the cafeteria

So yeah and again no one will changed and I will eat all by alonen on the lonely table in the side like me, As I am holding my food container in my both hands and getting ready for a sit.

As I saw jungkook, he was not comfortable eating in there because girls was flirting him and giving all their best to gain attention to him, well I don't know what is gonna be happen next.

Then he saw me and smiled at me while I just looked away, I'm afraid what he is thinking about me right now.

Then I looked at him again and he was on the way to me and smiling like a kid saw his parents. And I tried not to looked At him but I loose again, his visual is so hot.

"Lonely Jane?" He asked before he sit, "always." I chucked while playing the food not even eating.

"Don't worry I'm here!" He smiled then he sat beside me as I was afraid to the girls who were flirting jungkook as they are looking at me so mad like they want to stab me many knifes in my chest.

"Uhm jungkook?" I looked at him worried. "What?" He said and he was totally listening to me.

"In school, I told you girls in here hate me, so you're new here and I know they will target you and want to be with you because you are handsome, so you better get away from me so they won't hurt me." I looked down while yet this is my chance to have friends in school who is kind to me but I think Im really unlucky and I don't deserve have a friend, I just met them by chance.

Then he looked at the girls again who were looking at me so mad and I don't even know what he is trying to do as im continuing playing my food, As I looked again and I saw the girls are gone and I was so confused while I caught jungkook was on a mad stare to those girls and I think he put an warning or throw some dangers to them that made them scared.

"What happen?" I asked him and I was so confused and shocked then he looked at me and just smiled showing his bunny teeths.

Why you just acting so cute and friendly to me? But in others not? I think?

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