Christmas In Logstedshire- Platonic Tommyinnit + Tubbo

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MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! I hope you all have a fantastic day, and I hope you enjoy this little story, because I really wanted to bring everyone together for Christmas and avoid the overwhelming angst. Love you all!
TW: swearing

"I'm so alone."

Tommy laughed bitterly to himself. He'd begged Dream for days leading up to this one that he be allowed in L'manburg for Christmas. Each time he asked, Dream shot him down and changed the subject. Tommy couldn't say that he hadn't tried.

He glanced at his makeshift calendar. December 24th. He really was going to spend Christmas alone.

Tommy flipped through his family photos that he kept hidden on the beach whenever Dream was around, finding the holiday pictures. The last one was from 2018. Phil was balanced on a chair, attempting to put the angel on the tree by himself while Techno, who was taller and more capable, was laughing hysterically in the background. Wilbur's silhouette was seen through the window in the darkness of the night, throwing snowball after relentless snowball at Tommy. He stared at the picture fondly, then questioned himself. Who took the photo?

Tubbo. Of course, it had to be Tubbo.

He quickly switched the subject in his brain. He didn't want to think about Tubbo. Not now, not ever. The sad thought process was replaced with an equally upsetting one, the fact that his last family Christmas was two years ago. Phil disappeared in 2019 to who knows where, Techno spent the holidays wreaking havoc, and Wilbur was already on the verge of insanity after exile. Christmas of 2019 was a picture-less one, with Tommy in exile and Tubbo being the last one in the house. This year was a different exile but similar circumstances. It brought tears to Tommy's eyes.

"Maybe I'll just forget about it," Tommy said to himself. He could just pretend tomorrow wasn't Christmas. It was just another day he'd be spending alone.

He wondered if Dream would visit him tomorrow. He would probably be too busy. Tommy didn't really want to see him anyways.

Too exhausted to bury his photographs on the beach again, Tommy lazily hid them in the floorboards of his makeshift house. He checked the calendar one more time, silently praying that it was all in his head, that it was some other day. It wasn't.

His head hit his pillow and he was out like a Christmas light. What he would give to see Christmas lights again.


"Wake him up."

"Hell no. He's a deep sleeper, he'll probably punch me."

"Well I'm not doing it!"

"Why not?"

"...I don't wanna get punched."

"Move aside," Ghostbur tapped Tommy on the forehead. As predicted, he violently shook awake and flailed, punching Ghostbur in the face. He didn't even flinch.

"WHAT THE FUCK- Wil?" Tommy blinked, letting his eyes adjust to the bright lights of dawn. Damn, the sun was painfully bright today. Wait- Christmas lights?

"Hey, Tommy! Merry Christmas!"

"Wil! You-you're actually here! And- Techno? Phil? Holy shit!"

His family was with him. In his house. It wasn't necessarily a house, but that was besides the point. They were here.

"Hey, kiddo," Phil ruffled Tommy's unkempt hair. "It's been a while."

Tommy smiled and tried to form words. He was unable to and settled for tearing up and hiding his face in his hands.

"Aw, no- please don't be emotional. You know I hate emotions," Techno feigned panic, earning a laugh from Tommy, who tried to stop the embarrassing flow of tears.

"I didn't think this would happen," Tommy sniffled. "Never in a million years. I-I thought I was alone."

"Alone on Christmas? Not gonna happen. Looks like you're stuck with us," Phil said, glancing to Ghostbur and adding, "Wil died and you still couldn't escape him." The family burst into laughter.

"Anyways, let's get out of here. They're all waiting outside," Techno grabbed Tommy's shoulder and helped him stand.

"They? Who-" Tommy's jaw dropped to the floor when he peered outside.

There were so many familiar faces. Niki, Jack, Eret, and Quackity were a select few. There was also no Dream, who was probably with his closest friends. He felt like he was drowning in his own imagination. This couldn't be real.

When Ghostbur's extremely cold hand met his shoulder he was proven wrong. Nothing could be more real than this.


Tommy was loving not being alone on Christmas, but still felt the familiar twinge of sadness when he noticed one face missing in the crowd.

"I did invite him. He said he would think about it," Phil said.

"I guess he thought about it, then."

Tommy shrugged as if it didn't even matter and continued his conversation with some familiar people, taking a moment to throw a snowball at Fundy and watch him shiver with a feeling of satisfaction. Later in the day, when most people were hopped up on whatever Skeppy had added to the eggnog, Tommy snuck back into his house and grabbed his compass.

'Your Tubbo'

'It points you in the direction of Tubbo!' Tommy remembered Ghostbur telling him. The compass was moving slightly, signaling that Tubbo was on the move. It was a stupid choice, but Tommy couldn't help but seek out his best friend.

He was at the edge of a nearby forest, staring intently at his compass, when his skull smacked right into someone else's.

"Fuck!" Tommy clutched his head and dropped his compass, quickly reaching down to pick it up. Looking at his feet where the compass had landed, he thought he was seeing double until he noticed the different engraving on the second compass.

'Your Tommy'

"Shit, sorry! I was just-" Tubbo picked up his compass and lifted his head just to make eye contact with the boy he was searching for. He didn't think he would get this far. He assumed that he would've forced himself to turn back before making it through the portal, but here he was now.

They hadn't seen each other in so long. Did Tubbo always have those freckles? Were Tommy's eyes always such a vibrant shade of blue?

They couldn't help but be speechless.

'Say something, you fucking idiot,' Tommy thought desperately to himself. After months of preparing for what he would say if he ever saw Tubbo again, he had absolutely nothing.

Tubbo was the first to come to his senses.

"I miss you."

Tommy dropped his compass in the snow again and threw his arms around his best friend. "Miss you more," he whispered back.

Tubbo laughed quietly, burying his face in Tommy's shoulder and muffling his own words. "Merry Christmas."

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