Family Ties- PLATONIC Ranboo + Tubbo

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This is platonically canon so don't hurt me
TW: swearing, a lot of arguing, this is so fluffy that you might cry

"What is it, Ranboo?"

Ranboo hadn't realized how much he was trembling until he noticed that there was coffee spilling out of his mug. It was a bad habit of his to start shaking whenever he was agitated or nervous. At the moment, he was terrified.

"Uh- what?" Ranboo blinked a few times and glanced at Phil, who was already getting paper towels from the kitchen to clean up the coffee.

"You've clearly got something to tell us. Whatever it is, it's fine," Techno added from across the room.

Truth was, Ranboo didn't think it would be fine. He could easily run off with his fiancé and get married in secret, but a small part of him desperately wanted his new family's approval. He just didn't know where to start.

"Okay, um...don't freak out? I know I'm young, and when I'm thirty and looking back on my life I'll probably end up regretting it, but I can't think about any of that right now. All I can focus on is how I feel," Ranboo took another breath, feeling his family's eyes on him. They could tell whatever he had to say was a big deal. He was radiating nervous excitement.


After spacing out for a short moment, Ranboo finally forced himself to tell them the truth.

"I'm getting married."

It was like Ranboo was frozen in time, watching his adopted father and brother stop in their motions entirely. There was a moment of silence.

And just like that, the shock was gone. Phil beamed at him. "That's great! When's the wedding?"

Ranboo's jaw went slack in pure surprise. He glanced to Techno, who seemed just as calm.

"I'm not even eighteen. You're really okay with this?"

Phil sighed. "I know we're your family now, but your decision is yours. We know who you are, Ranboo. Probably more than you know yourself. You're responsible enough to handle this."

Huh. Ranboo never knew they thought of him that way. He never saw himself as responsible. He didn't really see anything good in himself.

That was why he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his best friend, Tubbo. They were perfect for each other, soulmates until death. How lucky he was to find someone who could look at him and smile, and notice all the amazing things about him, so that maybe the next time he looked in a mirror he would see it too.


"Uh- sorry?" Ranboo replied to expectant eyes on him. "What was the question?"

"Who's the lucky girl? Or guy- or person. We don't care who you marry as long as you're happy. We'd love to meet them!" Phil exclaimed.

This wasn't going to be easy.

"That's- uh, that's the thing. I don't think you'll be very...excepting when you find out who it is."

"Ranboo, I'm not the one getting married. Phil isn't the one getting married. This is your life. We just want to be a part of it," Techno reassured, which calmed Ranboo's nerves just enough to give him a false sense of hope that everything would turn out just fine. "So if they've got a rough past or a criminal record or whatever you're worried about, it's okay."

"Okay- okay..." Ranboo took a shaky breath. It was now or never.

Nope. Nope. He couldn't do this. Not today, preferably not ever, but definitely not today.

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