Purple- Platonic Ghostbur + Ghostschlatt

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TW: swearing, uh- ghosts?, drug use but not really, extreme emotions (ew)

"Are you really happy?"

"Totally! Here, have some blue!"


"Shshsh..." Wilbur waved a translucent hand in Fundy's face to silence him. "Do you hear that?"

"No," Fundy said, his ears perking up. If anyone was to hear something, it would be him.


"Wil-" Fundy blinked, and just like that, Wilbur was gone. He had a habit of doing that. He did leave behind some blue, though, which Fundy accepted skeptically but didn't use. He wasn't a fan of the idea of artificial happiness.

"I wonder what he could've heard..."


The voice was so familiar it was almost painful. Wilbur couldn't feel pain, of course, but he still vaguely felt like his ears were bleeding.

It was getting closer. Or maybe he was getting closer to it.

Closer. Louder.

"Fuckin' pricks. They drank all the quality stuff, didn't they?" The voice mumbled.

"Who's there?" Wilbur called uneasily into the dark of the night.


"Who are you?"

"'Who am I?' That's hilarious, pretty boy. Get over here so I can see if I can still kick the shit out of you."

Suddenly it hit Wilbur like a metaphorical brick. "You must be Jschlatt."

The one man he couldn't remember at all, and had only seen pictures of. Rounding the corner and running into that same face, the one that matched the voice, it had to be Jschlatt. He was leaning against his own coffin with a wine glass in his hand.

"You can drink? But you're dead-"

"I'm a ghost, Wil. I can do whatever the fuck I want."

He finished his glass and tossed it to the side. It shattered on impact and he couldn't give less of a fuck.

"So what's with the amnesia? I'm perfectly fine. I remember everything about you," Schlatt said to his sworn enemy.

"I don't really remember...bad things. Bad people."

"Gee, thanks."

Wilbur scoffed at Schlatt's snarky response and sat cross-legged on his coffin.

"Rude. My corpse is in there, you know."

"You'll get over it," Wil responded. "Here, have some blue."


Wilbur silently handed Schlatt a fistful of blue and he weighed it experimentally in his hand. "What's this supposed to do?"

"It makes you happy. It kinda...masks the pain."

Schlatt laughed coldly. "Yeah, I could use some of this. My entire life is pain."

"I'm sure that's an exaggeration. Think about all that time you spent with Tommy before all of the bad stuff happened. The cuck shed, right? I mean, Tommy says those were good memories."

"When would I ever willingly spend time with that kid? And what the hell is a 'cuck shed?'"

"You- you don't remember?" Wilbur asked.

It hit them both at the same time.

"Oh," they said together.

"Lucky bastard," Schlatt muttered. "At least you got the good stuff."

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