Tainted Love- DreamNap

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Maybe one day I'll stop writing unrequited love fics with this pairing. Today is not that day.
I really need to stop listening to Tainted Love.
TW: internalized homophobia, sexual references, unrequited love, swearing

The morning after, he wouldn't dare speak.

Not when Dream was averting his eyes like that, tugging on his hoodie and leaving without a word. Sapnap wished that Dream had woken up before him and left without a warning, maybe then he could convince himself it was just his horribly vivid imagination.

They didn't speak for weeks. Then Dream went to prison and Sapnap missed his chance.

He certainly had his chance now, standing before the parting wall of lava. Even after giving himself so much time to think, he had no clue what to say. Should he bring it up, or sweep it under the rug?

One thing was for certain. If the latter happened, it might just kill him.

Dream had never looked so forlorn, even with his mask covering his sorrow. Sapnap was sure he was the only one who'd noticed. It wasn't like Sam knew him at all, not like Sapnap did.

Sam gave him a quick nod and muttered a few last-minute rules as the platform shifted underneath Sapnap's feet. Sam's voice was the last he would hear other than his own for the next hour or so.

Dream barely addressed him, offering a sideways glance and nothing more. He didn't seem to be in the talking mood.


Sapnap checked each corner of the room. No cameras, to spare Dream a sliver of privacy.

"You can take that off. We're alone."

Dream shook his head, and Sapnap considered reaching forward and taking the mask himself. He probably could've, since Dream didn't seem like he would put up a fight, but decided to leave him be. He looked miserable enough.

"Are you going to talk to me?"

The silence was a loud answer.

Sapnap sighed, taking a seat next to him. Dream shifted slightly, putting space between them. That hurt Sapnap's heart a bit.

"I'm here to check on you, of course. But I also think we need to talk."

He couldn't see Dream's face, but he'd known him long enough to sense his eyebrow raise, taking note of the slight tilt of his head.

"You know what."

Dream shrugged and crossed his arms, sighing loudly. That was the most noise he would hear him make for a while.

"Fine. You can keep putting it off, but- but if we're ever gonna be okay again, we need to-"


He didn't say it aloud, of course, but the violent shaking of his head spoke for him.

"So this is how it's gonna be? You can't look at me, and now you won't even talk to me anymore? I swear, you can be a real pain in the-"

Sapnap stopped himself. That wasn't fair. He wasn't here to make Dream feel even worse than he already felt. He just needed something from him. He needed to hear his voice.

"Dream, I'm begging you. The way we left things...you really just want to act like it never happened? Did it mean that little to you?" Sapnap chose his words wisely, but they still came out bitter.

The last thing he wanted from Dream was that simple, three-letter word, but the nodding of his head acted as a knife through the chest.


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