It Was Never Meant To Be- Platonic Tommyinnit + Tubbo

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WARNING: This is a platonic fic, meaning it is just a friendship.
Spoilers regarding the Dream smp war, continue reading at your own risk
yEs I know that the betrayal got them all killed but I wanted to make it angsty
TW: Death, blood

Tommy's POV

L'manburg was struggling. Even our leader was losing hope. As we followed Eret to our 'final room,' I didn't know what to think.

It was a miracle we were still alive. Thank god we know how to bandage each others wounds. We were still standing strong, despite the fact that we were dying inside at just the thought of encountering the enemy. We felt like glass; one more undodged arrow, one more stab wound, one more wrong look even, and we would break.

"Sure hope whatever this thing is can save us," Tubbo cheerfully remarked as he skipped next to me, in time with my footsteps. How he had managed to stay unbroken by war was beyond me. He still knew how to smile.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, watching my best friend. The thought of anything happening to him made me shudder. The one thing that's more terrifying than losing your own life to war is having to watch your best friend, your *person*, lose his.

"This way, gentlemen," Eret snapped me out of my thoughts as he led us through a secret passage. I would be impressed if it wasn't for the terrible gut feeling that was clawing at my nerves. Something just seemed...wrong.

But how could I say anything? Eret was one of us, he would never. I felt shame rise in me and bowed my head slightly. To assume that a man of L'manburg would be against us was just plain wrong. How would I feel if someone like Tubbo thought I was a traitor? Yeah, it would tear me apart. So I shut my mouth for once in my life and blindly followed.

There was a small room at the end of the tunnel, clearly unfinished but seemingly well-prepared. I saw a chest with each of our names on it. One of them had my own name, but I was distracted by my own curiosity.

"What does this button do?" I asked, pressing it before I could get an answer. I could vaguely hear a sound from within the walls, but I was sure I was going crazy.

I wasn't.

I saw a flash of green, blue, and white, and immediately darted out of the way of oncoming threats. There were screams. I felt someone grab my hand and drag me out of there, as I felt frozen for the first time ever.

We made it out of the tunnel and into the dense forest before the enemy had a chance to follow us. We had gotten out alive, miraculously. As I was feeling lightheaded, I heard shouts from all around me.

"Eret, you traitor! We trusted you!"

"Tommy, are you alright?"



I gasped and fell on the ground, clutching my side. I moved my hands away for a split second, and all I could see was blood.

"He's been stabbed!"

I blinked a few times, seeing blurry figures looking down at me, one rifling through a bag, perhaps for medical supplies. My vision began to focus in, and there was Tubbo.

"Tommy, Tommy no- please- you're gonna be fine, okay? I promise- just- please don't go. Please don't go," Tubbo sobbed as I tried to speak but no words came out.

I needed to say something. Anything. I needed to say that everything would be alright, and that they could go on without me and be victorious. Maybe I couldn't speak because I knew that none of it was true. They all knew.

My vision started fading and I panicked. I couldn't go, this couldn't happen. I couldn't leave Tubbo alone in this world full of traitors and killers and wrongdoers. I fought against the sudden exhaustion that caused my eyes to flutter shut for seconds at a time. I can't sleep. Not now. Not ever.

But eventually, as the exhausting feeling remained persistent, I had to close my eyes and not open them again. Tubbo, who had been mindlessly speaking to me the whole time, suddenly went silent. The world was silent.

The one thing that's more terrifying than losing your own life to war is having to watch your best friend, your *person*, watch it happen.


Do you hear that? It's the sound of my heart breaking.

I planned on submitting this oneshot later, but I only had one other chapter posted and I wanted to make sure you guys knew I was legit.

I probably won't normally update every day, but who knows? Expect at least two a week, I think. Maybe more. Idk I have no schedule.

Anyway, part 2 anyone? Maybe something in Tubbo's point of view with his reaction and the aftermath of Tommy's dEaTh? Lemme know!

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