Happy Ending- DreamNap

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DreamNap angst with a happy ending ;w;
TW: attempted suicide, mentions of self-harm, suicidal relapse, and self-harm scars

Sapnap practically dangled over the ledge. When he fell, the chances of him living to see another day were extremely slim. Of course, if he lived, he'd probably never walk or maybe even talk again, but he was willing to take that risk.

So far, nothing else had worked for him. Every time he got close to ending it, he was either caught last minute or stopped himself. With this, there was nobody to stop him. More importantly, when he let go there was no going back, no way to talk himself out of it.

Speaking of talking himself out of it, he was currently shaking the thoughts from his head. 'Tomorrow will be better,' or, 'What would your loved ones think?' were shoved to the side as he neared closer to the edge.

The smallest part of him in the back of his mind was hoping that someone, anyone, would care enough to stop him. The rest of him, on the other hand, thought that would be the worst thing to possibly happen.

Sapnap ran a hand through his raven hair and took a deep breath, savoring what was probably the last air he would ever feel hit his lungs. With that, he released his grip and fell.

At least, he would have.


His eyes darted to the familiar voice and fear overtook his senses. The worst had happened. His best friend was there.

Dream had, unfortunately, been the one to get caught up in the mess. He was the only one who dared to allow Sapnap into his home after discovering his problems with depression and suicide. He had found Sapnap passed out in his room with his wrists bleeding countless times, and had always cleaning him up with the same amount of patience and simultaneous worry. He was the greatest person Sapnap had ever met, and god, he was beautiful.

Yet here Sapnap was, ready to throw it all away.

"Dream?" Sapnap's voice wavered slightly as he tried not to burst into tears then and there.

The ravenette saw the same emerald green eyes that he saw every time they were in a situation like this. He saw how much Dream tried to hide the pain he was feeling, the pain Sapnap was causing. He cared so much and Sapnap knew it, but when he was this done with life a large part of him didn't care.

He tried to focus on the task at hand, but knew deep down that he wouldn't be dying today. Not in front of Dream.

Sapnap didn't know what to expect from his friend. This wasn't the first time he'd had a close call, but then again, this could be crossing the line. If Dream got back in his car and drove away and never spoke to him again, Sapnap would understand.

Instead, he was caught off guard as Dream silently reached towards him and grabbed his hand. Gently, Dream pulled him away from the ledge and closer to himself, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy.

Sapnap felt tears threaten to fall, until they finally did and he buried his face in his best friend's neck, uncontrollably sobbing as Dream whispered incoherent but soothing words to him.

He never wanted to leave that embrace. He felt safe and loved, and wanted to stay there for an eternity and more. If Dream had showed up even a moment later, Sapnap wouldn't have this feeling to hold onto as if it were sacred.

He didn't remember letting go of Dream, or getting in his car, or crying into his palms on the way home, but it had happened and he was sitting at home. His home. With Dream.

Dream stayed with him that night, to bring the boy comfort and, most importantly, to keep an eye on him in case he tried anything again. He held his arms protectively around Sapnap's waist as they slept. It was the best sleep Sapnap had ever had.

"Dream?" He called his friend's name quietly.

It was early in the morning and he'd just woken up. He doubted Dream would be awake.

"Mhm?" Dream mumbled into Sapnap's tousled hair, half-asleep but still listening.

"You can't protect me."

He heard a small, sad laugh. "I'm protecting you right now."

"Right now, yeah. But...not forever. You can't be here for me every second of every day. And- and I can guarantee that the next time I'm alone, I'm gonna try again. You know that."

Dream sighed from behind him, "I know..."

"I need help. Professional help," Sapnap said.

"Why the sudden change? I've told you time and time again that's what you need."

Sapnap felt the hint of a demanding blush dancing on his face, but thankfully it was dark. "I want to leave this place. This Earth. But I don't want to leave you."


Sapnap remembers almost kissing Dream before he stepped into the hospital. It was a month-long program and Sapnap would miss him so much, and he was so...so very close to clearing the tension and closing the gap, but instead he stumbled back like an awkward mess and left Dream alone in the parking lot. At least he had a whole month to think about his next move.

When Sapnap returned, he almost kissed him again. But this time he was stopped by his own tears. The moment he saw his best friend he began uncontrollably sobbing, and did so the entire ride home and then a bit after. He didn't get a single coherent word in until at least an hour later when the waterworks had stopped. He was so overwhelmed, seeing Dream again after a month of being surrounded but still feeling alone. He was getting the help he needed, sure, but now he was just grateful to be back in Dream's arms.

Things were far from perfect after Sapnap's return. There were tearful evenings, sleepless nights, and relapse. So much relapse that Sapnap had to return to the hospital. The cycle continued for quite some time, until, slowly but surely, he started to feel better.

On Sapnap's one year anniversary of no self-harm, he finally got his kiss.

That was two years ago.

Sapnap fidgeted with the cuffs of his suit jacket, yanking them down as far as they could go. The scars on his wrists were still there, though faded, and they made him feel self-conscious. He certainly didn't want them to be seen on the most important day of his life.

He was terrified, standing at the altar with the love of his life. Terrified that this was all some sort of dream, and he'd wake up and be back in his nightmare.

It only took Dream's gentle touch on the side of his burning face to bring him back to reality and remind him that this was happening. He was getting his happy ending. He was getting married.

"You alright?" Dream whispered as his soon-to-be husband rubbed at his eyes as an attempt to stop the flow of tears.

Planting a kiss on Dream's hand, Sapnap gave him a bright smile; the smile Dream fell in love with, and swore to himself that he would see every day for the rest of his life.

"Never better."

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