Peace- DSMP Promptober Day 4 (L'manburg)

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Thought I'd keep it short and sweet, just as all eras of peace are.
TW: alcohol, drinking, intoxication (all in a healthy, safe environment), mild swearing, mentions of war, foreshadowing to future death

"One more round, on me. What do you say?"

The citizens of L'manburg- all six of them- cheered and raised their glasses. Half of them were drinking tonight, to celebrate the one-month anniversary of their independence. Some of them weren't, like Niki, who much preferred to pass out the drinks and keep everyone in check. It was her bakery after all, which doubled as a bar on special nights like this.

"Give us a speech, Wilbur!" Tommy slurred like he was wasted, but he'd really only been given rows of apple juice in shot glasses. Truth be told, his drowsiness was rooted in the fact that it was far past his bedtime.

Soon enough, the small group was chanting for a speech, and Wilbur, in his tipsy awkwardness, stood up on a chair and nearly fell off.

"My fellow L'manburgians..." Wilbur trailed off, thinking about the new word he'd just invented. They'd never referred to themselves as 'L'manburgians,' only citizens of L'manburg. It sounded nice, though. If Wilbur could remember it in the morning, he'd make the term official. "Today we celebrate peace."

"Just like we tore Dream and his bitches to pieces, eh?"

Of course, Fundy had just turned old enough to drink, and he wasn't exactly taking it slow.

"Not that kind of piece, Fundy, although you're correct," Wilbur bent over on the chair unsafely to ruffle the ginger's hair like he was still a child. "I mean peace. A time of prosperity, and happiness, and union. We bled for moments like these that we never would've had if not for us having the guts to raise our flag in the first place."

Niki beamed at the mention of the flag. She'd designed it herself, after all, which was the reason she left her old life behind to join Wilbur's side in his young country. With each passing day, she was regretting it less.

"Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy, of course...we've seen what war does to a man. Yet we persisted, and here we are. And as for our newest arrivals- Jack, Niki- who missed that painful era, I can't lie and say I wish you'd been there. You are untainted by war and death, and I hope that will last forever. Innocence is precious; hold onto it."

Jack raised yet another glass, and Tubbo reached for a bottle of 18+ substance. Niki slapped his hand away. "That's not for you," she scolded.

"Look at us," Wilbur continued. "If L'manburg is a rainbow, we're the colors. Without one of us, it'd be completely off. We need each other."

"Are you calling us gay?" Tommy mumbled, half-asleep.

Wilbur took a second to reevaluate. "What? No. Well- maybe some of us." He gestured to Niki. "What I mean is that we all have something to provide that makes our country beautiful. I wake up every morning and I watch the sun rise over this land and I think of the path we all had to take to get here. Some of us have died. Some of us have left our pasts in the dust, but it's no matter, because we are here. L'manburg, our symphony, our pride and joy, our symbol of peace. It'll take more than an army to fall us."

"I'll drink to that!" Fundy yipped and snatched another bottle from behind the makeshift bar. Niki almost stopped him, chastised him for having too much in one night, but decided against it. Why not let him have a bit of fun?

"Anyways, before I get lightheaded and fall of this chair, the last thing I wanted to say was...I'm proud. I'm proud of every founding father and mother that made this paradise a reality." Wilbur concluded his little speech and flopped down onto one of the cushioned café booths.

Tommy had jolted awake slightly at the last part of Wilbur's monologue. He said he was proud. That made Tommy smile, so uncontrollably that he had to put a hand over his mouth before he was asked what drugs he'd done that day.

Six young souls who loved their country sat in a bakery, drinking until dawn. Not long after, Wilbur suggested the election, and then hell broke loose. The rest- Schlatt, exile, festival, explosion, death- was history. Peace really was short-lived.

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