Beautiful- PLATONIC Ranboo + Tubbo

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Enby c!Ranboo my beloved <3
For context, he/they c!Ranboo is canon now, so have this very short self-indulgent thing
TW: scars

"Where'd you get those?"


"The scars-" Tubbo stopped himself for a moment. "Sorry if I'm being insensitive, I was just curious-"

"No, it's okay," Ranboo reassured, reaching up to touch their own face. "Crying."

Tubbo tilted his head slightly. "I don't understand."

"Well, you know I'm sensitive to water, and...yeah. Crying burns too."

Tubbo's heart dropped at that. "Oh, Boo-"

"Which sucks, because when I do cry, and it hurts, that just makes me cry more. So now...I look like this. They're ugly, aren't they?"

Ranboo's eyes started to water and he layed back in their bed, staring at the ceiling. "I'm sorry. I feel stupid. I just-"

"You're beautiful," Tubbo said.

Ranboo sighed with a sad smile. "Thank you."

"You don't believe me."

"How am I supposed to believe that someone like you...thinks I'm beautiful?"

Tubbo leaned back with them, crossing both arms behind his head. "You do this really cute thing when you're flustered. Your cheeks turn red and green and your ears turn down a little bit."


"And sometimes, when you get really excited, your tail swishes back and forth and you shift on your feet, like you have all this energy you need to let out."

Ranboo opened their mouth to speak again, but Tubbo shushed him.

"And the first time you saw me cry...way back when I exiled whole life felt like a mess. I felt like a mess. I was so guilty, I couldn't even look at myself. But you hugged me for the first time that night, even though we hardly knew each other, and I looked up at you and you had the softest smile on your face. And I thought to myself, 'Ranboo, you are the only person in this world that doesn't make me feel alone, even when I make mistakes. And one day, if you'll have me, I'd like to marry you.' That's what I thought."

Ranboo shook their head. "That is not true."

"Ah, so you're calling me a liar?" Tubbo teased, elbowing him in the ribs slightly.

"Hey! I'm not- I just-"

"I did marry you, didn't I? I promise it wasn't just for money."

"I know that. But I-"

"Ranboo, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. There is nothing about you that I don't love. So please, if not for your sake, then for mine- don't ever call yourself ugly again."

Ranboo sighed, and when Tubbo turned to face him, he could see that their face was tinted red and green and their ears were tilted downward.

"Alright, I won't. Happy?"

Tubbo hummed, thinking for a moment. "Almost. Say that you're beautiful and I'll leave you alone."

"Okay...I'm beautiful."

"That was pathetic." When Ranboo made an annoyed face, Tubbo laughed and continued. "C'mon, I need you to mean it. Try to see yourself the way I see you. Just try."

Ranboo sighed, carding a hand through their hair. He paused to think of something, anything, that was good about himself.

"I..." they paused to let out an embarrassed giggle. "I like my eyes. They're kinda cool."

"They're very cool."

" freckles."

"Mhm. They always get a little brighter after you've been in the sun for a while. It's cute."

"Okay. Alright. Okay," Ranboo stumbled, trying to say something they'd denied for so long. "I'm beautiful."

Ranboo smiled, putting the back of his hand against the side of his face, feeling how warm he was from blushing so hard. "I'm beautiful," they whispered.

"You are," Tubbo said. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

"Alright, that was a lie."

"Who else is there?"

Ranboo flipped onto their side, facing his husband. "We haven't talked about you yet."

Tubbo's smile dropped. "Hold on- no-"

"Where do I begin?" Ranboo sighed. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?"

"Oh God, please stop there-"

"Sometimes you'll mumble song lyrics, or you'll 'talk' to me or Michael. It's adorable."

"Ranboo, I beg of you- spare me."

"But I have so much to say! You gave me three compliments, which means I have two left."

"You get one more. Make it a good one," Tubbo determined, crossing both arms over his chest.


Ranboo thought for a moment. There were a million things they could say to their beloved husband, but one in particular caught his attention.

"Do you remember how nervous I was when I told you I wasn't a boy?"

Tubbo nodded. "I do."

"And I went on this long tangent about how I felt about myself, not quite a boy...but not quite a girl...and then I got frustrated because I didn't know how to explain. Not knowing things scares me. It scares me so much, but then you held my hand and said you loved me, and I knew everything would be okay. Because I might be a mess, but-"

"-at least we're a mess together," Tubbo grinned, finishing his partner's sentence. "And for the record, you look fantastic in a skirt."

Ranboo blushed deeper, swatting Tubbo's hand away when he playfully ruffled his hair. "That was another compliment. That means I get to give you one more."

"You wouldn't dare."

Both went quiet when Ranboo reached for their husband, gently tracing the old, fading scar on Tubbo's face. He still didn't know where Tubbo had gotten it.

"You're beautiful too, Tubbo. Scars and all."

He didn't respond to that, but rested his hand on top of Ranboo's, nodding and closing his eyes.

They fell asleep feeling loved.

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