Babushka- Wilhachu

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Another songfic. What a shocker.
This takes place early in season one, when Wilbur was president of L'manburg. In this storyline, Niki is his wife and the First Lady.
TW: cheating but not really, swearing

She wanted to test her husband. She knew exactly what to do.

"Niki, I love you, but this is a terrible idea."

"What could go wrong?" Niki pouted, scribbling frantically on a piece of paper. "Haven't you seen the way he looks at me?"


"Exactly!" She cried, startling Puffy out of her seat. "He barely even looks at me anymore! Does he even love me?"

"Honey, of course he does. You know how Wil is. He's the president after all, he needs to look after his country," Puffy insisted.

"Maybe, but I have to know for sure. This-" Niki shoved the paper in Puffy's face, "will let me know the truth. If he's already lost interest, I want to know now."

"Yes, but a pseudonym? A random letter from a random woman? Even Wil isn't dumb enough to fall for that."

"Only one way to find out," Niki said, handing Puffy another piece of paper. "Copy that down, he'll recognize my handwriting."

Puffy raised a finger, as if to say, 'don't drag me into this,' but sighed and started to copy the letter anyways. There was no stopping Niki at a time like this. Not when she was so insecure.

"And what will you do if Wil shows interest in this woman?" Puffy asked.

"I'll dump his ass."

"Divorce is expensive, you know."

"Keep writing," Niki demanded. Puffy gave her a look and she shrank into herself before quietly adding, "please."

The quiet sound of the pen dragging against the paper filled the dull atmosphere as Niki tangled herself in her thoughts. Wilbur had shown her no love lately, barely even a glance. Surely that had to mean something. Surely that was unacceptable, like the way he always brushed her off and claimed to be busy.

Was he really too busy for his own wife?

"Here," Puffy said, handing Niki the letter. She skimmed through it.

"This is good, but it's missing something..."

"Hey, I wrote exactly what you said."

"No no, you did great," Niki reassured, reading through the letter more thoroughly this time. She hummed as she contemplated.

It hit her.

"Should we sign it?" Niki wondered aloud.

"Under what name? Wil knows everyone around here."

"Maybe..." Niki pondered, "maybe this mystery woman isn't from around here. She'll be...Russian. And her name..."

Niki scribbled on the letter that contained her own handwriting and handed both pieces of paper back to Puffy. "There."

"Babushka? What the hell kinda name is that?"

"It's Russian!"

Shrugging and rolling her eyes, Puffy copied the name onto the finished product. She folded the letter into the envelope and sealed it.

"It should be more romantic," Niki nitpicked, crossing the room to rummage through some things.

"The Russian chick refers to him as 'love.' I think it's romantic enough."

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