Smoke Signals- Dreambur

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So I kinda hate this one because of all the time skips but I wanted to do it because I love this song. Listen to 'Smoke Signals' by Cavetown, it was the inspiration!
TW: Light angst, lots of crying, fluffy ending

"Just leave me the hell alone!"

"Is that really what you want? Fine!"

That was the end of the conversation, and Wilbur was storming out of the room.

"W-wait, Wil-"

The door slammed shut and Dream could hear the faint sound of Wilbur's car starting and driving away. He glanced out the window just as his car disappeared into the shadow of the night. Dream sighed and collapsed on the couch, putting his head in his hands and cussing himself out.

Dream and Wilbur weren't fine. After dating with no problems for months, their decision to move in with each other felt like the worst mistake of their lives. Everything was an argument. Dream could hardly remember what had caused this particular fight in the first place, but he knew that he'd really messed up this time. When they were through with fighting, they'd usually awkwardly avoid each other until they'd kiss, make up, and move on as if it never happened. Nothing was ever settled and nobody ever apologized.

Wilbur sent a quick message to a friend and got the hell out of there. He couldn't stand to be around Dream anymore, the tensions were constantly so high that he felt like he was suffocating. As he silently drove along the highway, he felt his eyes get blurry from tears.

He was always the waterworks of the relationship. Dream almost never cried, especially not after a fight. Wilbur would usually run off to their room to cry it out before returning to see that Dream was completely calm. For a moment the brunette wondered if Dream was crying right now, and ultimately decided that he didn't care enough to cry for him. He never did.

Meanwhile, Dream was crying.


"...and then I just left," Wilbur choked out. "Why'd I do that?"

Wilbur was currently sitting on Phil's couch, crying his eyes out and regretting everything.

"People do things they regret when they're angry," Phil said, resting a comforting hand on his knee. "Why don't you just call him?"

Wilbur looked at Phil like he was crazy.

"Call him? And do what? Surely you're not suggesting I apologize for something that's completely not my fault-"

"You have to understand that Dream is in the exact same mindset right now. You're both missing each other but too prideful to apologize. Have you ever thought that maybe both of you are in the wrong?"

Wilbur didn't have the energy or the logic to respond.

Phil was a smart man. He knew that the boys loved each other, but both could never admit when they messed up. If they didn't settle things soon, that would be their downfall.

Dream didn't know where Wilbur had went and it was making him uneasy.

Does he miss me?

Does he think I miss him?

Will he respond if I call him?

He recalled these questions to Sapnap over the phone, his only friend who could give decent relationship advice. Usually, Sapnap would say something stupid and prideful like, 'don't call him, you'll look desperate.' This time, however, Sapnap could see how dire the situation was, and there was no room for pride.

"You need to call him. Say that you're sorry."

The blonde boy laughed despite the tears staining his cheeks. "Say sorry? I'm not sorry, I didn't do anything wrong!"

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