Creation- DSMP Promptober Day 1 (Dream Team)

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They were nothing but young fools who wanted an escape. It was naïve to believe they could.

One was a man who wasn't even old enough to drink, whose eyes were like the green grass they stood upon. He wasn't a killer, or a manipulator, or a monster. Not yet.

The other was only a few years older, yet they seemed to share the same scarce maturity. His eyes were a simple golden brown, but shone with the excitement of a man who awoke each morning and sought adventure. This didn't last.

Dream stabbed a sign into the ground and knelt before it, carving into the uneven wood. George stood and watched with intrigue.

"Here it is," Dream turned, presenting what he had written.

"Dream SMP?" George asked, almost offended. "Where's my name?"

"I got here first."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Alright, alright," Dream mumbled with a sheepish smile, kneeling down again. "My bad. 'Dream and George SMP' just doesn't have the same ring to it.'"

Despite this, Dream carved his friend's name just below his. If George wanted to be a part of history, so be it.

"Better?" Dream asked.

George hummed. He hated to admit the blonde was right. It just didn't have the same ring. "It's adequate."

"Yeah, whatever." Dream rolled his eyes and took off into the dense forest. "Let's go find a lake! You wanna build a house on a lake?"

"Sure..." George replied, but Dream was already gone. He'd follow him, but not yet.

The sign really didn't look right.

George knelt, sharp stone in hand, and scratched out his name.

He knew he wouldn't have a legacy. He was a bit more soft-spoken than his starry-eyed counterpart. Dream, though, he'd end up in the history books. George was sure of it.

Of course, he didn't know at the time the vile things that would be written about his best friend, but then again, he never expected Dream to end up the way he did.

For now, though, there was no evil. There was only the faint sound of a good man sifting his way through the forest, calling for his other half to catch up.


Not long after, another made himself known, an old friend of Dream's, even younger and more hotheaded than the other two. His eyes, black like the night sky, often stared up at it when he found himself restless, searching for something that may bring him satisfaction. He never finds it.

He too saw the sign, as well as the jagged path that cut through the forest, leading to the lake. He saw George's scratched-out name and wondered what happened. The egotistical side of him considered putting his own name is large, thick letters over the rest, but he was distracted by the two people who had convinced him that this was the life he wanted.

"Welcome to the Dream SMP, Sapnap."

"And George," Dream added, nudging George's side with a teasing smile. He hadn't yet noticed that the other man's name was no longer there.

"And Sapnap?" The raven asked, half-joking. Only half. Maybe he felt a bit left out when those two were so close, but that surely didn't matter in the long run. Dream cared about them. Both of them. And maybe Sapnap cared about George too, just a little.

"And Sapnap," Dream concluded with a short nod. However, when he snagged a rock from the ground and knelt before the sign yet again, he noticed the wild scratches. "What happened?"

Sapnap met George's eyes for a moment. They may have been in a constant tug-of-war for their best friend's attention, but neither could deny they had an odd understanding of each other. He knew with nothing more than a glance that George had defaced his own name. He knew the action was rooted in insecurity, a feeling of never accounting to anything in his life. He knew that George wasn't ready to have that conversation. So, for that nervous man's sake, Sapnap lied.

"I did it," he mumbled with a smirk. "I just wanted my name to be closer to yours, Dreamy. Can you blame me?"

A silent 'thank you' and 'no problem' was exchanged. Dream was not impressed by Sapnap's supposed actions.

"Well then, your name doesn't belong on it, either. Guess it's just mine," Dream decided, a hint of mischief in those eyes, greener than the treetops. Eventually, the trees would be too short for Dream. Eventually, he'd grow bored, seek something more. A fight. A scandal. Whatever he could get his hands on. That time wasn't now, yet it loomed.

"Wow, Dream. What a team player," George teased, crossing his arms.

Dream thought about that word for a moment. 'Team.' They were a bit like a team, stuck together like glue so well that they all ended up in the same place. This was their home, a beautiful land, void of drama and conflict and pain. It was perfect, and it was all theirs.

Dream, still kneeling, scratched a new word into the remaining blank space on the sign. Then he stood back to get a better look.

"Thoughts?" Dream asked, unnecessarily impressed with himself for etching a simple word into a piece of wood.

"Hm, I like it," Sapnap nodded.

"It's got a nice ring to it."

"Of course it has a nice ring. It's us." Dream swung both arms around his best friends' shoulders, the closest they'd ever been. Who could've guessed the closeness wouldn't last? "Welcome to the Dream Team SMP."

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