Getting ready

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It was after the Fellowship has been brought together, and we had a little time before we would set off. I had packed some things, and Bilbo was getting Frodo ready for our journey.

"My old sword, Sting." Bilbo picked up his old sword and handed it to Frodo. "Here, take it, take it."

Frodo held it up in front of him, slowly unsheathing the sword. "It's so light..." He gazed in awe at the Elven made blade.

"Yes yes, made by the Elves you know. The blade glows blue when orcs are close, and it's times like that my lad, when you have to be extra careful." "Here's a pretty thing." Bilbo picked up something else. "Mithril..." he held a shiny metallic shirt. He shook it in front of Frodo. "As light as a feather, and as hard as a dragon scales. Let me see you put it on, go on." He handed it to Frodo.

Frodo began to unbutton his shirt, revealing the Ring around his neck. Bilbo took a breath when he saw it. Frodo noticed Bilbo staring at it.

"My... my old ring... well I should... very much like... to hold it again, one last time..."

Frodo knew this was bad and he started buttoning his shirt up again. Suddenly, Bilbo looked wild and made a swift grab for it. Frodo jumped back looking shocked. Bilbo went back to normal and fell back with his hand to his head, looking distraught. He sat down.

"I'm sorry I brought this upon you my boy..." Bilbo said, tearfully. "I'm sorry I brought this upon both of you, you and your sister... I... I'm sorry that you must carry this burden..." Bilbo started to cry. "I'm sorry for everything..."

Frodo pitifully walked over and placed a hand on Bilbo's shoulder. Bilbo held Frodo's hand.

"I... have another thing I need to ask of you, my dear Frodo..." Bilbo said.


"Just... make sure Maisy knows that... she... she's loved... and remember to treat her like a member of our family, because she is."

"Yes, uncle, I will remember, I love her very much too, she's my sister. My little sister. And I won't let anything happen to her."

Bilbo smiled.

I was sat on a little wall, under a stone porch. The sky was slightly beginning to darken. I had left Bilbo and Frodo to have some time to themselves, so I went out on my own for a bit.

I took one last walk around Rivendell before joining the others to set off on our journey. I was a little unsure that I had made the right decision on going, but I knew that I just wanted to help and be there for my friends. Sometimes the thought of me being left behind or being a burden to everyone cross my mind, but I tried not to think like that.

That day I also made sure to grab some food when we were at breakfast and keep it in my bag. I got some apples and some bread. I had my bag on, and as I was walking I saw Frodo saying goodbye to Bilbo. They saw me and I went over.

Bilbo stepped forward and gave me a hug. "You are very brave my darling." He said, and I smiled. "I'm sure you'll both be okay."

"Farewell, uncle." I said, gently pulling away.

Bilbo smiled and I could see a few tears in his eyes as me and Frodo gave him one last smile and made our way over to the rest of the fellowship.

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