The council of Elrond

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The next morning, I woke up pretty early again, the morning sunlight filling the room. I got up, made the bed, like I always do, and opened the curtains, letting the full morning light in. I smiled, breathing in the cool morning air from the balcony.

I then got dressed, and headed out to go to breakfast. Thankfully, I wasn't the first one there, Sam was there, and so were Merry and Pippin. They all smiled when they saw me, and I ran over to join them at the table.

"Good morning guys!" I said, joyfully.

"G'morning Miss Maisy." Sam said, and I sat down, giggling.

Merry and Pippin had their plates piled to the brim. I never understood how they could eat so much. Anyway, I got a piece of toast and two eggs on my plate.

"Where's Frodo this morning? Is he still asleep?" I asked.

"No, no he came by earlier, didn't he Sam?" Merry said.

"Yes, Mr Frodo said he had somewhere to be, and Gandalf said that it's somewhere that 'doesn't concern us.'" Sam said, a slight tone of sadness in his voice.

"Oh, okay..."

That morning, Gandalf and Elrond had a long talk about The Ring and why it can't stay in Rivendell.

Later on that morning, Me, Sam, Merry and Pippin were all walking around, trying to find Frodo.

"Sam, do you have any idea where Frodo is?" I asked, and Sam shook his head sadly.

"No, I've no idea, I haven't all mornin." He sighed.

"I don't suppose you two don't either..?"

"No, unfortunately. But I did happen to hear somethin' about a secret council meeting." Merry said with a shrug.

"Wait, is that... Gandalf?" I said, and we all stood back behind a wall.

"Aye, it is indeed!" Sam exclaimed, causing a 'SHH!' from Merry and Pippin.

"Yes yes, it is time to attend Lord Elrond's council, come along Frodo." We heard him say, and then we saw him leading Frodo along somewhere.

We went around, and saw lots of people, sat in a circle of chairs, and a stone plinth in the middle. They all seemed to be representatives of Middle Earth, there were Elves, Dwarves, and men all sat, and of course Frodo and Gandalf were there too, and sat with some other men, was Strider too, and then Lord Elrond, who was sat in a throne like chair, stood up.

Sam ran and his behind some bushes, Merry and Pippin hid behind two pillars, and I hid behind a tree and some bushes.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this face, this one doom." He looked at Frodo, gesturing for him to come forth. "Bring forth The Ring, Frodo."

Frodo gingerly stood up and walked over to the stone plinth in the middle of the circle, and carefully placed The Ring down on top of it.

A man with light brown hair spoke, leaning on his hand. "So it is true..."

Frodo sat back down and sighed, closing his eyes. Most were eyeing The Ring, suspiciously as it seemingly spoke. The man stood up.

"In a dream," He looked again at The Ring. "I saw the Eastern sky grow dark." He slowly started to walk towards The Ring. "In the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying, your doom is near at hand." He carried on walking towards The Ring. "Isildur's bane is found. Isildur's bane..."

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