Leaving The Shire

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After we finally got things together, Gandalf led Frodo, Sam and I out of Bag End and further out The Shire. A few times Gandalf called for Sam to hurry up since he was lacking behind a little. Frodo and Gandalf talked a little, I was quiet most of the walk. I just kept walking and didn't say much, as I was too busy thinking and sometimes worrying about many things. We hurriedly walked along fields and through forests until dawn. Just after the sun had risen, we stopped in the middle of a forest. Gandalf hopped onto the horse he was leading along with him.

"I will now go and see the head of my order. Trust me, he will know what to do. As I said earlier." Gandalf told us again. "Remember Frodo, keep it secret and keep it safe." He said, we nodded and then he nudged the horse and it galloped off through the trees and out of sight.

"I guess... I guess we on our own now..." I said, glancing around nervously.

Frodo patted me on the back, Sam walked up to us and we all glanced around again and set off again through the forest. I was glad we had Sam with us. He's always been responsible, and helpful, to Me and Frodo.

Whilst we walked we talked for a bit, and I skipped off in front and admired the scenery as we passed by pretty waterfalls and rivers. I skipped through the long grass of the corn field, the wind blowing my hair back, and I occasionally spun around to see Frodo and Sam, walking behind. I soon got tired and slightly bored like the others were. I walked in pace with Frodo and Sam as we walked through another short corn field, and a little scarecrow sat near the fence, just staring at us as we walked by.

We carried on through, Frodo behind me and Sam behind him with their wooden sticks, me walking or skipping ahead. I turned around to see Sam stop in his tracks and look back at where we had just walked from. Then he looked back at us and sighed.

"This is it." He said.

"This is what?" Frodo asked, looking back at him. I walked back and stood in front of Sam.

"If I take one more step, it will be the farthest away from home, I've ever been." He said.

I smiled warmly and patted his shoulder as Frodo walked over to us.

"Come on Sam." He said, encouragingly.

The three of us carried on walking.

"Remember what Bilbo used to say..." Frodo started. We all joined in and I felt like I could hear Bilbo's voice in my head, speaking it with us.

"'It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.'"

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