Double Trouble

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Later that day, I found myself on a peaceful walk down pathways with beautifully sculptured stone archways and pillars, and then to one of the bridges which stood over the sparkly blue waterfalls and rivers. The cool, but humid evening was turning into night by the minute. We had already eaten dinner, too. It was maybe a little past the hour I was due back to go to my room for, but I wasn't the only one not wanting to go back yet.

"Hey look, Maisy!"

I turned around to see Merry and Pippin waving at me. Pippin seemed to have a bag of things in his arms.

"There you two are!" I giggled as they approached me. "What have you got there?"

"Ohh, so I thought we needed some extra food for the journey back home!" Pippin said, opening the bag to reveal lots of vegetables and bread.

"Where did you get these from..?"

"Oh, some of the kind Elves gave them to us!"

"Right... when you say 'gave' do you mean, you stole them from the kitchen?"

"Er... well, sort of-"

"Yeah he did." Merry shoved Pippin away and sat down next to me. "I told him, Maisy! I told him this was a bit too far!"

"Hey! You could have stopped me!" Pippin retorted.

"Shush! Someone will hear us." I said. "We're already very lucky to be welcome here as it is Pippin, and you're already stealing food from their kitchen?"

"Well, I'm sure they won't notice." Pippin said.

I sighed and leaned back against a tree. For a bit we sat there watching the sun go down. Merry and Pippin pulled out their pipes and of course started smoking. I just sat staring into the distance, the sun was setting in the direction of home. I felt like I could see The Shire, waiting for us. Home...

"Do you reckon we're gonna go home soon?" Merry asked, gazing in the same direction. He was probably thinking the same thing.

"I hope." I sighed. "As beautiful as it is here, it could never compare to home."

In that moment I thought of how I really appreciated having Merry and Pippin as friends, despite them being the trouble makers they are. One thing I appreciated about the four hobbits I was on this journey with, was that they never acknowledged my differences, not being a Baggins by blood. Not knowing my true background. It's like it never occurred to them as a difference. I wish other hobbits could see that too. I believe that if you love someone, related by blood or not, that is good enough for them to be called family. I knew deep down that I wouldn't want any others with me.

I looked back at Merry. The light from the setting sun made his blue glisten. I smiled and looked down at the grass beneath us. But I also felt... oh, never mind.

After we sat in a comfortable silence for a little while longer, we all instinctively headed back to the sleeping chambers, Pippin ran off to his room, shouting goodnight to us on the way, which probably woke at least someone up.

"I do apologise for what Pippin did today. Trust me, I did not agree to it at all." Merry said, scratching his head.

"I believe you Merry, don't worry." I smiled. "Right, I think I'll head to bed now." I walked to the door of my room and looked at Merry for a second. "See you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Goodnight Maisy." Merry replied, smiling sweetly.

After shutting the door, I smiled to myself, seeing him genuinely happy. I felt happy myself, knowing we were all okay.

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