Saruman The White

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It grew later into the evening as Gandalf rode into Isengard, seeking Saruman's help. Gandalf had known Saruman, The White Wizard, for years. He trusted him with his life. He went to Saruman for help, as Saruman would know what to do. Or so he thought...

Gandalf hopped off of his horse and bowed. After they greeted each other as he approached on the stairs to the tower of Orthanc, they walked together in the grounds of Isengard, discussing the matters and where abouts of The Ring, and of course, Sauron's possible plans.

"So The Ring of power has been found." Saruman murmured.

"Yes. All these long years it was in The Shire, under my very nose." Gandalf exclaimed.

"And yet you did not have the wits to see it. Your love of the Halflings leaf has clearly slowed your mind."

"But we still have time. Time enough to counter Sauron if we act quickly."

"Time!? What time do you think we have?"

The two wizards entered the tower of Orthanc, and sat down in one of Saruman's old study rooms. Scattered all over the table were sheets of pages from books, documents and other books that were open on important pages. On one of them was a spilled ink pot too, and the page was barely readable since it was stained with dry ink. Saruman ran his hand over a rather dusty old book that was already open at the right area. On it were drawings and paragraphs of who knows what theories about Sauron or whatever.

"Sauron has regained much of his former strength. He cannot yet take physical form but his spirit has lost none of its potency. Concealed within his fortress, The Lord Of Mordor sees all. His gaze pierces cloud, shadow, earth and flesh. You know what I speak of Gandalf. A great eye, lidless, wreathed in flame." Saruman explained, looking at the book and Gandalf in turns. When he finished speaking, Saruman showed a slight deadly smirk. He looked so evil it was terrifying. Saruman was not normal.

"The Eye Of Sauron.." Gandalf murmured.

"He is gathering all evil to him. Very soon he will have summoned an army great enough to launch an assault apron Middle Earth." Saruman continued, looking straight into Gandalf with a still and evil face. His smirk grew even wider underneath his dark grey and white moustache.

"You know this? How?" Gandalf started getting weary of Saruman as he spoke.

"I have seen it." Is all Saruman replies with.

The two wizards then walked into a larger room in the main area of the tower. In the centre was a dark pedestal stood, and a cloth laid on top of it, covering something up.

"A palantir is a dangerous tool, Saruman.' Gandalf warned.

"Why? Why should we fear to use it?" Saruman asked with a rhetorical tone, then he lifted the cloth off of the object it was hiding underneath.

A black and cloudy glass globe was revealed. Gandalf did not hesitate to cover it back up again.

"They are not all accounted for. The lost seeing stones. We do not know who else may be watching." He said quietly.

"The hour is later than you think, Gandalf. Sauron's forces are already moving. The Nine have already left Minas Morgul." Saruman warned Gandalf.

"The Nine!?"

"They crossed The River Isen on Midsummer's Eve disguised as riders in black."

"So they've reached The Shire!?"

"They will find The Ring. And kill the one who carries it."

"Frodo!" Gandalf muttered, then he turned in his heel and rushed to the door to leave Isengard.

He had to find Frodo. But, Saruman would not let him. With an evil smirk from Saruman, the doors slammed shut in Gandalf's face. Gandalf turned to Saruman who sat in his throne, his face looked deadly evil. Gandalf tried to hastily escape out of the other doors, but they were shut before he even got close.

"You did not seriously think that a Hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron? There are none who can. Against the power of Mordor there can be no victory." He said. Gandalf looked at him in disbelief. Saruman continued. "We must join with him, Gandalf. We must join with Sauron. It would be wise my friend."

Gandalf could not believe what he was hearing. "Tell me, friend. When did Saruman The Wise abandon reason for madness!?" He shouted. Saruman stood up, enraged.

With that Saruman let out a loud scream and he used his staff to fling Gandalf across the room, and then pinned him high up to the wall. He then advanced against him and let him drop to the floor. Gandalf quickly lifts his staff and Saruman falls backwards to the floor. They continued to fight using their staffs, flinging and throwing each other, Gandalf hit his head on the floor many times that it was bleeding badly. Then Saruman turned Gandalf over and over. Gandalf, with the strength he had left, used his staff again to throw Saruman across the room, and he went flying into the doors which flung open by the force of the push. Saruman got his balance quickly and then before Gandalf could make a move, he reached his hand out and Gandalf's staff flew out of his grip and Saruman grabbed hold of it. Saruman has both staffs. He pointed both staffs at Gandalf, spinning him around in circles on the floor.

"I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly. But you... have elected... the way of... pain!" Saruman shouted, and with that he raised both of the staffs and Gandalf flew up to the top of the tower, still spinning at a rapid speed.

Gandalf let out one last scream, then he was knocked out cold.

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