The Shadow Of The Past

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That night, Me and Frodo did meet Merry, Pippin and Sam at the green dragon. We had a lot of fun, and I suppose we needed a night to relax after all of the chaos we'd been having with the Sackville-Bagginses.

I helped Rosie with the drinks and as I was sat on the bar I noticed a certain someone couldn't keep their eyes off of the pretty blonde Rosie next to me. Sam.

I realised what was going on and I jumped down and smirked at Rosie, and then at Sam. They both caught each other's eyes and then looked away, Rosie giving me a nudge on the shoulder and I just laughed.


Later on that same night, Frodo, Sam and I said goodnight to our friends. Sam obviously has something in for Rosie Cotton, but when he will tell her I do not know.

I said goodnight to Merry and Pippin and walked out with Frodo and Sam.

We walked back, and said goodnight to Sam outside Bag End, and made our way inside.

The second we stepped inside, a suddenly I suddenly felt anxious.!I looked around and it was extremely dark and empty in Bag-End. Papers were flying around everywhere and pretty much all of the windows were open. It was as if we'd been burgled or something.

I looked at Frodo who looked as worried as I was. Then I saw something move behind Frodo and suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder. I flinched and jumped back in shock, but then I was relieved to see it was Gandalf. Although, he looked very troubled. And confused, like me and Frodo were.

"Is it secret? Is it safe?" He immediately asked Frodo.

Without hesitation Frodo rushed over to a chest full of Bilbos old belongings and treasures he had passed on to me and Frodo. He pulled out a small envelope. Wait, it was the same one he was holding the night Bilbo disappeared!

Gandalf snatched it from him and I followed him into the other room. I was about to ask what on Earth was going on, but I stopped and then couldn't get the right words out as the amount of confusion flooding my head wouldn't let me. Gandalf threw the envelope into the fireplace. I looked at Gandalf and then back at the burning envelope in turns, and then fixed my gaze on what was revealed from inside the envelope. It was a ring.

"Hold out your hand Frodo." Gandalf said, and Frodo hesitated at first but then held out his slightly trembling hand.

Gandalf picked the ring up with a pair of tongues and dropped it into Frodo's hand. I stood beside Frodo and examined the ring too. Nothing was there at first. Just a normal ring, and all I could see in it was our reflection. But then it changed. Bright foreign writing appeared around the ring. It looked like some form of Elvish.

"It's some form of Elvish, I can't read it." Frodo said.

"And there aren't many who can." Gandalf replied.

Whatever this ring was, I knew that it was not good. Just the presence of it made me feel uncomfortable. I looked up as Gandalf continued to explain.

"The language is that of Mordor. In the common tongue it says, 'one ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, in Mordor where the shadows lie.'"

The words lingered in my head for a moment. "Mordor..." I murmured. I had only heard of Mordor briefly, and that it was a place that was taken over darkness and evil.

Frodo heated up the water filled kettle over the fireplace as I got three mugs out and some tea. Gandalf sat down at the small table.

Soon the kettle was boiled and Frodo poured the hot water into the three mugs. I made and mixed the tea and then set them down on the table and I quickly looked up to see Gandalf looking very serious. During my life at The Shire, I had never really been a very serious person. There was never really anything awful to worry about. This seemed to be a serious thing.

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